What race is Sten?

So after playing DA2 it seems to me that the Qunari do have a specific race that they seemed to be mostly comprised of. To clarify I mean that since the Qunari is anyone, regardless of race follows the Qun way of life, what is the race we see throughout DA2? i am unsure of both what this race (the ones with horns on their heads) and if whether or not Sten was part of that race or was actually just a VERY tall human.


As I first understood it, they're both. The Qunari, of which Sten is one, are the race who originally conceived the Qun and brought it into being. But by following the Qun, you become accepted as one of them and no longer of whichever race you originated.

However, the DA wiki states that Sten is a warrior of the Beresaad, the vanguard of the Qunari people, making him biologically one of them.

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Sten as him name implies is a captain of the Baresaad. The Qunari are named after their rank (which is why we meet a Sten in II, but it is not THE Sten). His race is Qunari, but it is also a religion. Think Celtic, it is a religion and a people.

The Qunari in Origins are not the same (design wise) as they are in II. Even the cover art of THE Sten from Origins in the recent comic has him with horns, so like the Elves, their design changed, so has the Qunari to go more in line with the Ogre design.


...Sten doesn't have horns on the cover. He looks pretty much the same.


Qunari born without horns (as Sten of DA:O) are considered "special" and are used as "vanguards" to other people, as they look less intimidating than those with horns. (a bit of retcon in DA2)

Yes, "Sten" is his job, not his "birth name"; the latter matters to Qunari no more than a social security number to us and is never used.

The difference between knowing your sh**
and knowing you're sh**.


Sten and the Qunari in DA2 are all Kossith, a race which is part of the Qunari religion. They pretty much redesigned the race and retconned an explanation for him not having horns.


Yes, the original race to which Sten belongs was originally called the Kossith race. At one point in time, there was a wise intellectual kossith man who became a spiritual leader for them and devised a philosophy of society and life that became The Qun. After a certain point all of their society was of The Qun, and they stopped using the term kossith and started calling themselves Qunari, Followers of the Qun.


Qunari is used to identify anyone who follows the Qun. Essentially, it's a cultural term, like Chrustian, Muslim, or Buddhist.

Sten, like the Arishock and others, is objectively part of the Kossith race. However, a good 90+% of the Kossith in known Thedas follow the Qun, so people use the term Qunari interchangably with the race, even though they really shouldn't.

As for the appearance, Sten was meant to look like the DA2 Kossith, but Bioware was having graphics issues. So.... He doesn't. They retconned the Kossith appearance into what it was meant to be after

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