At last, a non-left wing political documentary.

Left wing nut jobs have dominated this market for decades, it's about time someone brought some honesty and integrity into the political documentary scene.


Rightwingers and honesty do not exist, sorry.


you are both nitwits.

there are honest folks and there are lying scumbags... on both sides of the aisle. anyone who believes otherwise is either deluding themselves or just plain stupid. until both of you (right wing nutjobs AND left wing nutjobs) climb down off of your high hobby horses & stop being batzhit insane, we will be no better off than we are now. political parties are like any other cross section of the populace. it takes all kinds.


The whole left-right paradigm is idiotic. It is yet another way to coerce people to think only one party has the answer, when BOTH are owned, bought off and sold by Corporate Ink. sjiligon is absolutely correct. Its an issue of a duopoly and the need for a restructuring of Government Oversight and transparency, states rights and a need to reform (and if possibly curtail) the reach of the Federal Reserve, Campaign Finance Reform and most of all; Money Laundering, and Restrictions on Mercenary-Defense Logistics expansionism. That is killing us in Afghanistan (along with civilians in drone strikes). Serious criminal charges and Special Commission on Int'l Money Laundering would be a start in the right direction.


I was thinking the same thing. I was leaning towards sarcasm, but a quick look at his comment history implies otherwise. Really is hard to separate the true believers and the ones making fun of them.


Alex Jones, Micheal Moore two sides of the same coin. Both terrible journalists, both awfully impartial. Either side has the end result, over the top hysteria.

Do not grieve....soon I shall be one with the Matrix.


Its time US have a third, fourth, fifth major political parties. When the major parties hold all the cards, they tend to have the same damn agenda, get more power and screw everyone else.

More choices to vote for = better.

Racist Game = Pool. WHITE ball push COLORED balls back into holes. BLACK ball out = you win.


sjligon sez: "Obama is head of the U.N. security council." Nonsense. He chaired the security council. The right to do so rotates among the 15 nations in the security council on a monthly basis. As I write this, it's Mexico's turn. Usually, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. will do the chairing duties, but the President decided to do it himself. That's not "holding office."

Do the smallest amount of research. It's not that challenging.


You want right-wing documentaries? I hear that Leni Riefenstahl made a few. Check her out.


Good call. ;)

Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit shooting smack...




Alex Jones is a nutjob conspiracy theorist who lacks any credibility.
Although I am to the right and certainly do not care for president Obama's policies, I detest B.S. artists like Alex Jones far more.

Take a look at some of his other "documentaries" and listen to his radio show sometime (if you can make it through the whole thing). Some people on the Left used to site some of his B.S. until he turned his guns on Obama (don't fall into the same trap, just because he is critical of Obama in this particular "documentary").


Alex Jones is a nutjob conspiracy theorist who lacks any credibility.
Although I am to the right and certainly do not care for president Obama's

policies, I detest B.S. artists like Alex Jones far more.

Take a look at some of his other "documentaries" and listen to his radio show sometime (if you can make it through the whole thing). Some people on the Left used to site some of his B.S. until he turned his guns on Obama (don't fall into the same trap, just because he is critical of Obama in this particular "documentary").

Alex Jones guest list includes;

Bob Chapman, a former gold and silver market broker and the publisher of The International Forecaster

Ron Paul, U.S. Presidential Candidate

Catherine Austin Fitts former Secretary of HUD under Bill Clinton

Ray Firestone, former C.I.A. Analyst

Jesse Ventura, former Governor of Minnesota, ex Navy Seal

he has pulled some lucid, tangible and credible sources in his "mad hat" of accusations.

He's over-the-top at times, but very relevant, and most of all NECESSARY in a time of sanitized, controlled media.

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, and a few other media journalists have also been past guests.


Yep. Bring on the right-wing nutjobs who throw off the shackles of evidence and reason that define and expose the left-wing nutjobs. Let paranoia, prejudice and fear be your guiding light, and Alex Jones is proud (though peeing his pants) to take the lead.

BTW-Alex Jones guest list includes--you listed six loons. I'm sorry that you're impressed by office rather than accomplishment.


"Yep. Bring on the right-wing nutjobs who throw off the shackles of evidence and reason that define and expose the left-wing nutjobs. Let paranoia, prejudice and fear be your guiding light, and Alex Jones is proud (though peeing his pants) to take the lead.

BTW-Alex Jones guest list includes--you listed six loons. I'm sorry that you're impressed by office rather than accomplishment."

This said, by soon to be debt slave in a quadrillion dollar unpayable black debt derivtive bubble ENGINEERED by the Central Banks.

The last payoff of the National Debt was in 1860, idiot. America has been owned for a century or more. "paranoia, prejudice and fear" have nothing to do with it. "greed", "corruption", "media influence" and "IGNORANT AMERICANS" not knowing the real history do.

"The Constitution is NOT an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government"
-Patrick Henry
