So bad its sad!

Im pretty forgiving when it comes to horror movies (Hell, even liked The Apparition) But this!? OMG! Im Swedish but even I an tell the actors really sucks! (Atleast in this crapfest)! Confusing (Were we supposed to think they saw the "ghosts"?) Why were there other ghosts? Why did they kill? Why was everybody talking to themselfs? Oh! And the cop SPOILER!!! dies! Barton walks out to him looks completely like Oh ok! No emotion whatsoever! God I hate this peice of crap! Only DeMornay get this one star..Barely..AVOID!! And nod to director: If you are gonna make a "GHOST" film..LET THE FRAKKIN GHOSTS LOOK SCARY! Or atleast like ghostly...Rest my case...

If you want to make me puke, play some Rap music
