the music

anyone else really like some of the music in this movie? there were a few ambient-ish sounding tracks that i really liked. overall i thought this was a pretty cool and very interestingly done movie. it did slow down a bit in the middle when everything was being explained, but i never lost interest. im still not entirely sure exactly what happened, but im sure ill watch it again some day. as i do with all time travel movies.

think for yourself


The music was great. Silver Mt. Zion and Explosions in the Sky both made appearances. Check out more by those bands if dig the soundtrack


Music in a found footage film is weird.


Indeed, I enjoyed the music as well, and waited for the end credits expecting to see some ambient band names that looked familiar, but that wasn't the case. I will have to look into Silver Mt. Zion, especially if they did the music in the closing credits...

Right. Well, I have to-- I have to go now, Duane, because I, I'm due back on the planet Earth.
