What a great show!!!

Caught the pilot episode Friday night and loved it!! What a great idea for a show! The dogs are so cute and the caregivers are awesome!!

Meryl Streep could play Batman and be the right choice!



What is "awesome" about the caregivers? The only thing that seems to make them unique is their propensity for making really bad choices. "I met my husband through the mail while he was in prison" - How quaint. What an awesome person. And I have my daughters spend most of their day around recently paroled prisoners. They seem so nice. They show up for work sometimes. Plus we have dogs. Did I mention that? Awesome.

Who pays the bills for this place? I think something like this is needed. With all the knuckleheads out there mistreating dogs, it's a good thing. But the other stuff is just human "drama".


"I met my husband through the mail while he was in prison" - How quaint. What an awesome person. And I have my daughters spend most of their day around recently paroled prisoners. They seem so nice. They show up for work sometimes. Plus we have dogs. Did I mention that? Awesome.


Who pays the bills for this place?

That would be Animal Planet. They pay $20,000 per month for the rights to film the show. Apparently it costs about that much to run the rescue. They house around 250 dogs, which consume around a ton of food per month, plus vet bills, vaccinations and the like.


It's about time the pit bull breed is given some positive light. Pit bulls can be great dogs in the right hands. The Pit Bulls and Parolees cast have come out to some of the dog show events I've been to. They are great people!







Wow must be great to be so ignorant and I guess you've only seen bits & [ieces of episodes. Tia;s husband AJ served 17 years for his crime and is in jail now not because of what he did but because stolen property was found at the ranch. Another guy stole it Tia & Aj didn't know it was there but that wasn't good enought he took a plea deal for 7-8 years.

If the parolees mess up she kicks them out of the program, in the years I've been watching only 1 guy got into trouble and was giving a second chance.

Yeah she must be stupid to take in twin teenage boys no one wanted, or helping unwanted dog & making sure they get good homes, help parolees get there second chance. She got the respect of her kid, employees and the families she helped.
If thats being an idiot then who give a *beep* what morons say, what have you done to help someone or something out!





Actually the parolees are SAVING the pit bulls from "criminal thugs".





