MovieChat Forums > Ghost Hunters Academy (2009) Discussion > Editing makes Steve look like an arse...

Editing makes Steve look like an arse...

Love "Ghost Hunters" -- the way Syfy is presenting this, it's pointless. It's like a strained boot camp. Bleh.


Steve is being a tool.


I think Jay and Grant are just tired of ghost hunting for SyFy and this is their self-destruct button so they can walk away. Hell, I don't know. This show just seems like the ultimate joke.


Well... I've heard people who have met Steve say that he can be a real douche. Apparently he lets fame get to his head or something like that... God, I hope it's not true...

If my friends and I are the future of America, this country is screwed up the ass....


Steve has always been an ass. He schmoozes the big boys and throws everyone else under the bus...

...and no my name is not Brian!


He was a real turd on this new show.

What I find funny is he screws around so much on GH and I thought it was real low class that he brought up Brian...


This show really highlights how much of a jerk he can be, probably cause you see him more.


Oh yeah, OP, it's just the "editing" that makes Steve look like an ass. The "editing" is the total problem. Like, totally...

Puhleeze. Steve has *always* been a bastard from day one. He's just ambitious so he tries hard sometimes to cover it up and appear to be thoughtful and easygoing.


Steve is a TOTAL arse...

I interviewed them a few years ago when they were in the area for the local newspaper. After the initial interview with Grant and Jay, who were sweethearts from beginning to end, I tried to talk to the rest of the members of the crew. Steve was the only one who wouldn't talk to me. Seems he doesn't " to local newspapers. Only nationals..."

He is an arse, a douche and any other choice words folks here use to describe him. This is one guy who has no business doing what he's doing. He's condescending, he's obviously of a lower intelligence, he "says" he was a police officer but this guy has too many phobias and is frightened too easily to be a cop.

Poor Tango, to have to hang out with him. I agree with another poster here. He schmoozes and kisses the arse of those he deems 'above' him and throws everyone else under the bus, leaving his footprints on their backs on his way past them.


Yeah, Steve needs to be fed to Zool. Can't stand the egomaniac.


Ya this show is ridiculous. They are acting like Ghost hunting is this really hard thing to do. It's really unnecessary for them to be such an ass to these people that are just wanting to learn how to be a ghost hunter.


Hi -- I'm the original poster -- I want to retract my statement.

The editing makes him look like an arse when in actuality he must be a total douche. I watched more and I can't say I'll watch any further - the grandstanding, backpatting, priggish attitude is sickening. They might as well have aired an hour long episode of him watching himself in old GH eps and wanking off. So sad.


I generally agree with you.

BUT... after last episode, somewhat in his defense, I'd be a total dueche too if I had to put up with that group of total tools.

Yes it's the apocalypse alright. I always thought I'd have a hand in it.


I tend to agree with everyone that Steve is a total D-bag. I really don't like the way he acts like a knows everything about everything. Did anyone else catch the EVP he listened to and said he knew exactly what it was. A siren followed by a sneeze? No one else mentioned hearing a siren. It sounded more like a squeeking door closing to me.


One thing I never understood is on Ghost Hunters he has made the same mistakes, including worse ones then what Brian ever did. And Jason and Grant never even get on him as much as they did on Brian.


I think he has reason to correct these clowns, and yell at them- they are lazy and don't know anything, nor are they anyone I'd want to see as a permanent fixture on GH or GHI... I am embarrased for them, and their lack of anything paranormal.

"The next time you forget you're Blair Waldorf just remember that I'm Chuck Bass, and I Love You"
