How to get on the show??

Any clue??

They said thousands applied but when was this??

I wish sci-fi / syfy was more clear about shtuff like this.


Go to the TAPS website. It's in plain black and white there. They got the list of requirements and lots of other stuff. It's was pretty cool to see all the TAPs families from around the world. They have pictures but I have to say a lot of them look like mug shots. Only Barry Fiztgerld was the best. He look really handsome.


Okay, I know its probably right in front of me, but i can't find it on the website. All i need to know is the age you need to be lol.


Why would anyone want to be on this show and have Steve be a douche bag to them?? I would have words with him if he talked to me like that.


No need to applied, I have a feeling that this show doesn't have a ghost of a chance of surviving the first season.


HA HA HA HA HA!! Nice corny joke, MAD-xy.
And - I agree!!
Hee Hee Hee
Slit your throat
Life is a joke
- Jim Morrison, from his book, "Wilderness"
