
Has anybody else noticed that the majority of the contestants that Wayne chooses are women? There are usually about 6 or 7 "deals" on the show and they are mostly women. The only times that the men are picked are when it's a couples deal. What's with that?


I did notice. He chooses hot women mostly. The contestants should be selected at random or by some producer behind the scenes like on The Price is Right.


I've noticed that as well. Another thing that I noticed is that when a man IS picked, it is never a caucasian male. I watched the show all last, and the only caucasian male was picked on the very last deal and had the choice of $700 or a curtain. Of course he took the curtain, and Wayne never even negotiated up, and guess what was behind the curtain... A ZONK of course. I quit watching that show now. Totally stupid.

