The ending...

So Jake gets his degree in prison, comes out and honestly tries to go straight, but up back in prison because his friend shoots someone. So he is left completely alone in prison, his mother and sister have disowned him, his only other friends are dead, and his girlfriend, the one person in the world who didn't bail on him, just goes to NY and the film ends with her laughing about how happy and strong her family and personal life is, while he sits and rots?

What the *beep* is the message here?


Message is convicts should rot alone in jail
yeah his friend shoot someone but jake was already breaking his parole before that, hanging with his old cell mate and delivering drugs


I think he would have been fine with some anger management therapy and a legal job. Also, his parole officer was either overworked or lazy- he should have verified that Jake really was living with his sister.



Typical lifetime fantasy.

Girl tastes dangerous side of life. Boy saves the lives of girl and mother.

Boy goes to jail. Girls (daughter,mother,aunt) bond over experience and cheap gift(T shirt) and are able to live laugh and hope again.

Boys life is ruined. Girl suffers no consquences of her actions, and actually is considered to have grown from her experience and is made a better person because of it.


I try to give lifetime movies a chance but as the few I have seen are like this one I am curious as to who enjoys them. They seem directed at a small segment of society that thinks this is reflected of real life or how real life should be. I find this movie and other like it troubling for the message it contains.

At least she should have gotten a record and been kicked out of college and been seen working minimum wage.

Not been giggling about her exciting new life.


I'm not sure what we supposed to think. Were we supposed to feel sorry for the girl? Her behavior was all over the map. One minute she's acting like a quasi-adult fully accepting her ex-con boyfriend and his ex-con friends. Then she sees a 'bad guy' and runs behind her mother like a four year old. The girl was just annoying.

What I didn't understand at the end was WHY Jake was telling Cami to call the police. The guy they killed was a thug with a gun on him, I don't think the police would look too much into that case. Why would Cami have not kept silent?

Such a stupid ending.
