While the general top was "be careful who you meet online" the movie in itself was stupid and totally overly dramatic. Her mother was weird and too overr protective and the mother's best friend did the typical "judge a book by the cover" just because someone has a tattoo why would you automatically go home and look it up. I'm very disapointed in how this movie turnout. It was prejudices all through the movie


The tattoo reminded the friend about a prison tat she had seen. So, that makes sense. But as far as everything else in the movie...mostly all b.s. It was a terrible, terrible flick.

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It is strange for someone to have a tattoo on their hand like that, I probably would have looked it up too.


wasn't it the numbers on the tattoo that tipped the mother's friend off to look it up? remember, she was explaining to the mother that the numbers were zip codes that the gang represents but i wasn't sure if she already knew that when she saw the tatoo and it tipped her off to go check it out or if she as you said "judged a book by the cover" and looked it up simply because he had a tatoo....but i really think it was the kind of tatoo that concerned her and not the simple fact that he had one.


Area codes, not zip codes. 215 is Philadelphia, where the movie was supposed to be set.

I always wonder why they set these Canadian movies somewhere in the States. Are they afraid we egocentric Americans won't watch a movie set in Canada?

I would've watched it if they said it was set in Ottawa, where it was filmed.

Into every life a little coffee must spill.
