
I thought this movie was suppose to support all views. It's basically just trashes Christians, and turns Atheist into heroes



I think that's what we call a win win situation.


Lol, it does neither, and even if it did, who cares?

As an atheist I've dealt with more judgment and bigotry and *beep* from the Christian community than most christians will ever even see in their lives.


So you'd be a Christian, then? If your religion and your faith in it is so fragile that it can't stand a contrary position it's not much to believe in, is it?


Yeah, thank god it is!

Muhahaaaaaaa... :)


I thought it was too easy on Christians myself...

Open the door for Mr. Muckle!!


Don't u get it yet?even if a movie(especially an american one)seems to support all views on the surface,it always supports the anti-God side..Besides in reality it's not possible to be neutral,to be neutral is infact taking a side.u can't accept God and accept atheism at the same time ,one neutralises the other


If what you say is true, and that the jews run the show on Hollywood, we could say that it's just the jews pitting the atheists against christians.

If I was a christian, I'd say we have to kill all jews before they grow too strong and ruin the lives of our children!

Thankfully I'm an atheist, so I'll just say... Who cares about what the gullible think?


After reading all the posts preceding yours, it seems as if your post is the only one that comes across as anti-semitic. While I don't necessarily believe that was your intention, none of the other posters on this board stated what you did - i.e. " .... and that the jews run the show on Hollywood ...."

O.K., so you're an athiest. But that doesn't give you the right to even suggest what you suggested. I'm so damn sick and tired of Jews being blamed for all the world's ills. The Jewish people have taken more crap from the world than any other culture, and we're talking about thousands of years !!!! You know, it's this type of narrow thinking that led to Europe's holocaust. Just something to think about ... words can be very powerful, influential and hurtful.


Don't be too surprised this is made by Hollywood where they expect everyone to be hedonists and slaves too sin. Don't expect to much sympathy online most people who go to this site are atheists who have no idea what they are talking about.


FDon't know If the goal was to be anti-christian, but it isn't pro-atheist, or in a very dumb way, since the hero is a real jerk, showing more intolerance than the christian in first place, not to mention his very low sense of morality...

Guess this movie trash extremists from both sides, so haters and lovers are in the same basket in the end.
Kinda way to reunite them without letting them knowing, after seeing all the posts ;)


Don't be too surprised this is made by Hollywood where they expect everyone to be hedonists and slaves too sin. Don't expect to much sympathy online most people who go to this site are atheists who have no idea what they are talking about.


That is an absolutely one-sided, ridiculous statement. I am not an atheist. I just have MANY questions. To make a blanket statement like that shows your narrow-mindedness.


Atheist's are heroes. Your gods not real. Deal with it.

): )


I don't have to deal with your disbelief. You are not a hero because you don't believe in anything. This movie was anti-everybody. The Christian was a psychotic bully & The Atheist was an ethically impaired egotist with delusions of grandeur. The woman was a weak willed ho who didn't have the guts to leave her controlling husband.

"I love Sonny and Sonny loves me"-Carly Corinthos


Your message is not logically consistent. Someone who doesn't believe in anything (which, by the way, is the definition of nihilism, not that of atheism - don't take me for my word, look them up in a dictionary) necessarily also should not believe in himself, so he should be safe from delusions of grandeur.

And, now that I've thought of it (and I'm not referring here to the movie itself, only to the internal logic of your post), not believing in anything can be considered also as not accepting any preconceived notions as granted, questioning them and trying to work out their validity by oneself: "de omnium dubitare", as Rene Descartes has written (one of the first theoreticians of the modern scientific experimental method). He also wrote that this is a very hard thing to do for the human mind, to keep such constant guard, since it always tends to slip in the comfort offered by "pret-a-porter" notions. So, and strictly in a cartesian sense, not believing in anything (with the exception of those conclusions reasoned out by oneself) is a task truly fitted for a hero.
