MovieChat Forums > Douchebag (2010) Discussion > Looks exactly like The Puffy Chair

Looks exactly like The Puffy Chair

Seriously. This dude straight up ripped off the Duplass Brothers style, sense of humour, aesthetic and pretty much everything else.

"Stop calling me Muggeridge!"


It does look an awful lot like it.


Man! I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt that way. After watching the trailer I realized that I don't even need to watch this film. It looks exactly like Puffy Chair down to the huge beard!

And shame on Sundance for even programming a movie that looks EXACTLY like a movie they've programmed in the past. Way to stay cutting edge, idiots.


How many moronic "bromance/loser" movies can Hollywood shove down our throats? Oh god! Not another "why-did-i-waste-my-money-on-this-90-minutes-of-trash" flick? Isn't there somebody in Hollywood that knows how to write a movie without inflicting the geek/loser/stoner/jerk-bag/buddy/bromance script on us? "Douchebag?" Wow. Really creative guys.... (They must be hiring 14 year olds in the marketing/PR departments nowadays.) Godalmighty! What the hell is going on here? No more "Jerkbag" movies!!!
