
This movie is pure and total crap. Save your time and money and stay away from this one. Here, i'll do you a favor and breakdown the entire flick right now for you to save you the hassle of sitting through this snoozefest.


Opening credits
Boring Dance scene
Lead character "losses" dance battle, owes thug money
Bad acting
boring dance scene
love triangle involving "good girl" and "bad good" (or more like boring girl in this case)
bad acting
main character is the black sheep, using dancing to stand out
conflict is introduced between main character and "other frat"
bad acting
thug comes looking for lead character
Conflict is introduced between main character and his "crew"
bad acting
guy losses girl
bad acting
guy tries to get girl back
thug continues to look for main character
boring dance scene
bad acting
final boring dance scene
good guys win dance battle
guy gets girl back
thug confronts main character asking for money
everyone rallies to main characters defense
thug is ran outta town
bad acting
end credits

or if you've seen the first Stomp the Yard...its the same exact movie with a smaller budget, worse cast, worse dancing, and worse music. lame.


haha it does sound some what similar to the first one but it was a bad movie, hence when it went straight to dvd

"If I have to leave this country, where am I going to go? France? *beep* France." Fez


You forgot something.

After the fight: The main guy quits the frat
Before the final boring dance scene: main charachter is allowed back into the frat after missing all of the final practices...

This movie was trash.

"You can't answer a text message."



The dance sequences were TERRIBLE! This movie can go to hell.

This family believes in the Easter Bunny. He died for our sins in that helicopter crash


How bad was it??? Jasmine Guy apparently asked to omit her credit for her role as Janice here on IMDb...I usually look for the silver lining but this was damn near unredeemable >.<

Big Hands Do Big Things


@Facetone where'd you here that?

Point of No Return


funniest post lol Im glad you watched so now I wont have to

"Well, I done seen just about everything, but I ain't never seen your boy, no way, no how!"


only 3 actors in the whole cast can act. At least they could have had killer dance routines but NOOOOO!! hot girls in the movie though :p
