Can't stand Stevie

I enjoy the show but I find the character of Stevie really awful. I don't think she's a great actor, for one, but as a character she's really unlikeable, just blatantly selfish and rude to Miranda, when they are supposed to be friends. I don't buy it. It seems to me like Stevie doesn't like Miranda, but it's not actually written that way, I just think the actress is playing it too bitchy.


I really hate that "What have you done today" bit that she does. I don't get the reference.



Like beauty, humour is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. I like Sarah Hadland after seeing her in That Mitchell and Webb Look. And I can't explain why I loved her silly parody of a snatch of song. I wasn't familiar with the song or the artist, it's what Sarah did with it vocally, the timing of her doing it, and the silly device of holding up a mask of the singer, that I thought were really effective.


Stevie is extremely annoying. I have to mute the television when she starts to sing Proud by Heather Small. It wasn't even funny the first time she did it. Maybe the actress was told to play Stevie a certain way but she mostly comes across as obnoxious, shrill and unlikeable. Don't even get me started on the "allure" joke. Love all the other characters.



Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


Seems there's a lot of music references on the show that go way over my head.




Bitchy is the word - she's a pretty irritating character to be honest and that thing she does with the mask thing just puzzles me as well as irritates me.


What country do you live in?

That was a huge song the year of the London Olympics, and you use the word "bitchy" like it's a negative thing, so I'm guessing you're not European or North American.


I think Sarah Hadlnd is a good actress, but I go back and forth on Stevie for most of the aforementioned reason.



I thought it was just me who hated the "what have yoy done" cr@p. Mute on, otherwise I like her.

