TV Show

The tv show the father was watching in the dark struck me as being pretty unrealistic. Or at least I've never seen anything like that following a school shooting; where the parents of the gunman/gunmen are blamed. In fact, in any case I've seen where those particular parents are mentioned (and these are obviously cases where the shooter(s) is killed, almost always by self-infliction), they are done so with nearly the same amount of respect as any of the other parents who had lost a child.

Am I simply missing these media broadcasts where the parents are ripped apart like that, and where blame is placed on them for a crime their child committed? It's not as if there has been an instance where these violent and disturbed individuals were forced into anything by their parents, no matter their upbringing.


I saw plenty of editorial commentary ripping on the Columbine parents for not knowing what their kids were up to ("How could they possibly have stored the guns in the house without their parents knowing?!?", etc.) There was even more criticism of Nancy Lanza for exposing her child to guns, teaching him to shoot and failing to secure the guns she owned so he couldn't get to them. As for respect, Nancy Lanza is not often not even included in the stated body count for the Sandy Hook killings, even though she was Adam's first victim. So I didn't find that scene unrealistic at all.
