MovieChat Forums > Princess of Mars (2009) Discussion > Big Budget Version Has Begun Shooting

Big Budget Version Has Begun Shooting

For those unhappy with this version, the big budget version has begun filming in London. Of course with Disney producing I don't know if that's much of an improvement quality wise.

"Stop dragging things down to your own level, it's immature son."



I couldn't give a flying *beep* about the big budget official version. I want to see The Asylum's version.


You will spend money to see it. Big words but empty.



"Of course with Disney producing I don't know if that's much of an improvement quality wise." Wow, how wrong can you be. Disney sets the bar for quality moron.


Disney has made a lot of great films, both animated and live-action. But even the Mouse isn't infallible. Nothing is guaranteed to be great just because of the company making it.

Or guaranteed to suck. Disney could do us all proud.

I hope for the best with this movie, but my excitement for a movie I've been waiting for since 1979 is tempered by the knowledge that many book-to-film adaptations ruin everything that made the book great.

- Aging is a physical problem, and physical problems are amenable to engineering solutions.



It can't be worse than this version which was just terrible. Not quite bad enough to get a 1 from me but pretty close joining my small collection of 2s.


bad movie is bad


mcr76 i heard the same thing on wikipedia after seeing the trailer for this movie disney is probably going to do a better job!


as I understand it Pixar is doing this as it's first live action feature. Disney may be kicking in some $ and will distro it, but look for this to be a Pixar affair.


Andrew Stanton directing, Willem Dafoe, Mark Strong, Bryan Cranston, Thomas Haden Church et al. I like it's chances.
