I'd love to see a sequel

In my book, the only good thing Avatar did for the world was to pave the way for this movie to get made. I'm serious. And speaking of, there's not enough low/mid-budget B-movie attempts at high-concept otherworldy/off-planet sci-fi these days. I wish The Asylum would attempt more old-style B-movie feeling off-planet/alien world sci-fi adventure titles with practical rubber-suit creature/make-up effects like this one (I know, there was a lot of CGI too). PRINCESS OF MARS is the best one like this I've seen since BATTLE PLANET (which was made by a cool creature-effects guy). They both remind me of the kind of unknown B-movie off-world sci-fi/fantasy adventure, with the splashy promising videobox art, that I would look for and hope to stumble across in the science-fiction section of my VHS video store youth. I know a big-budget Hollywood version of this (John Carter Of Mars) is on its way, so I can only hope that The Asylum might do another one of Burroughs Mars/Barsoom series books.


If they do, the next book features an evil cult, a despicable goddess, two lost races, and a hidden sea. Yes, an entire SEA that is hidden.

What If Rick James had Become the Hulk?



If they do make Gods of Mars at least they won't have shape shifting Therns. It'll cost too much.

"I've been to one world fair, a picnic, and a rodeo, and that's the stupidest thing I ever heard."


If they do indeed do a sequel, I'd like to see the original cast back, Matt was good as Tars, Noelle was good as Sola and Antonio was ok as JC. That being said I hope they replace Traci Lords as Dejah. Just about any female actress with dark hair would do a better Dejah than her.

"We...speak...with tongues of steel rather than of flesh." Gahon of Gathol

