Matt Lasky As Tars Tarkas

Matt Lasky is a pretty good actor, better than the lead performers.

Any thoughts?

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He was fine in the role considering that Tars Tarkas' backstory was removed. As for being compared to the two leads there was no contest-he was better, even though I thought Sabato did OK as John Carter.



by - mcr76 on Sun Jan 16 2011 10:37:53
He was fine in the role considering that Tars Tarkas' back story was removed. As for being compared to the two leads there was no contest-he was better, even though I thought Sabato did OK as John Carter.

My response:

I had made up my mind about ten minutes into the film that "Princess of Mars" was not to be considered a faithful adaptation but a movie which drew inspiration from the books. I had done the same thing when watching those Gor movies based on the John Norman books. So any liberties taken with these movies I took in stride. There probably wasn't any other way to enjoy this movie.

BTW, Matt Lasky is the only cast member to score a role in the new blockbuster movie based on ERB novel in the works. Apparently, others noticed he was pretty good in "Princess of Mars".

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Hey, I spoke from conviction. I thought yours was one of the few roles in this where I felt I was looking at the character and not an actor being uncomfortable trying to get into character. Unfortunately, as much of a fan of Traci Lords that I am, I got the feeling she was too self-conscious through out the whole thing and I don't say that lightly because, truth be told, she is a good actress. Just not in this one.

BTW, sorry about your disappointment with "Abe Lincoln:Vampire Hunter". Wow, what a difficult profession to succeed in! Good luck with any future endeavors, man.

In response to:

by Mad_Lackey 1 day ago (Sun Jan 16 2011 23:33:10) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

UPDATED Mon Jan 17 2011 10:29:36

I wish I had more time in advance with the script and that we weren't filming 10+ scenes a day, but that's the nature of low budget film making. Whether you like this film or hate it, I had a lot of fun making it!! Though my agent wouldn't approve, I would gladly come back if Asylum decides to go up against JCoM with a sequel... ... but for that to happen I would need a touch more money .. and sturdier tusks.

I spend a lot of time on IMDb and obviously I end up perusing my own bits now and again. After a huge loss a few weeks ago ((I was on the short list for Abe in Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter before the studio decided they wanted a 'name' for it.)), it truly reinvigorates me to run across stuff like this! Being that close to that fun/big of a role has left me a tad depressed....which has in turn led me to cyberstalk myself on this fine Sunday eve ... :)

Thanks again,

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Welcome back Matt,
It's been awhile since I heard from you.
I thought both Matt and Sabato were good in their roles. Traci Lords seemed to make no effort in this movie. I've seen her in other movie and she was ok.
Matt was also good in a small role in Jonah Hex, a really bad movie.

BTW, Matt, I saw Noelle without mask in a horrible movie called Plaguers.
Wish you well in future roles.

"We...speak...with tongues of steel rather than of flesh." Gahon of Gathol

