MovieChat Forums > Byzantium (2013) Discussion > 'You are as about sexy as a pair of shoe...

'You are as about sexy as a pair of shoes'?

What did Clara mean when she said that to Frank? I would think of it as a positive (because often people/women will describe shoes as sexy) but her tone/expression seems to make me think she meant it as an insult..?

What do you think?


In the past shoes were probably expensive and for the poor, utilitarian not decorative. Clara being from the dirt poor class would never have bought a pretty shoe in her life, and instead always saw them as entirely utilitarian objects.


I took it as a compliment. Check out the shoes she wears throughout the movie--she's obviously got a thing for sexy footwear.


On the run up to it Clara tells him she can see the attraction, so I thought it a compliment.


Obviously an insult.

Every act of interest in life is carried out at your own expense.


She didn't think he was worthy enough for her daughter. If she had the power to choose, I'm sure she would have chosen someone more handsome or powerful.

But then again that is what she did and it led her to ruin.


Depends on the shoe sin question I guess?

Manolos would be considered sexy but if you mean a pair of mens work boots that have holes in the sole and smell like a gym locker- not so much.


Frank was no Orlando Bloom or whatever, unless Clara was chronically short-sighted it was obviously an insult. Like, she didn't say "you're as sexy as a pair of sexy high heeled stilettos", she said shoes, which are the things that come between your socks and the mud, grime, puddles and dog-poo on the street. Maybe some people think that's sexy but if Clara did then I've read her all wrong..


That was a poorly written diss. A lot of women think shoes are sexy. And yes Clara was a fan of sexy shoes!

"You are about as sexy as on old pair of sneakers" would have been a better insult

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I thought it was said sarcastically to insult him.

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