
The brotherhood is all like stabbing evildoers with their thumbs, and the one guy is like it's such an honor to meet you because you only stab old people with your thumb when they're ready, and all the old people are like put on some music dear before you thumb-stab me ok I'm ready now sweety. Seriously? Why not just hire a mugger to stab you.

The end was really depressing because I knew a sharp thumb wasn't going to improve that kids face any when fangs just might have. Besides I think that cave was downstream from a bath-salts factory and the backstory was just the hallucination of a bunch of beach bums.



The thumb thing may have left people saying "I thought vampires have fangs?".

I think Eleanor preferred to kill sickly old people because they were knocking on death's door already. The old guy in the beginning asked to be killed, so I saw it as her relieving people of their suffering like euthanasia.


I don't remember seeing any fangs though. Were there any?


They didn't actually show any fangs, but they were implied. Several of the bodies had fang marks, and Clara bit right into that guy shortly after her transformation.


No fang marks. Just talon marks. Since the talon can emerge quickly and slash a throat, from which the vampire drinks, I don't think any fangs were implied.


The whole thumb stabbing thing was by far my least favorite thing in this movie. Vampires are supposed to bite people, up close, personal and smothering their victims in an embrace both passionate and ferocious. This whole thumb stabbing crap was the wimpiest most laughable vampire attack I've ever seen. Just pathetic.


Every vampire story picks & chooses which parts of the vampire mythos suits the story being told. I dug the nosferatu thumbnails. Eleanor was trying to make their passing as painless as possible. Clara tore into her victimswithout hesitation.

I enjoyed how they used the vampires must be invited in element in this film. It was subtle at the beginning, and amusing when Frank wouldn't let Clara in later on.


Yeah, he didn't let Clara in, but like a dumbass he went out... WTF!?!?!

I also HATED the thumbnail thing. Fangs rock!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


He was willing/ready to die as was needed to become immortal in this films mythos. Why wouldn't he go out if he was ready? This is reinforced when he tells Clara to kill him and her reaction is clearly one of absolute surprise.

I actually liked the thumb idea over fangs, partially as they seemed more practical.

Film Reverie:
My film diary:


Not once did he say it was an honour to meet her because she only killed willing oldies. You are taking what you saw and giving your impression as fact.

I saw an American once leave half a cheese burger on his plate, I would never relay this as something that happens most of the time because I would be wrong.

Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!
