Spoilers Please

Please don't judge me. Tell me to grow up. Etc.

Huge Saoirse Ronan fan. And now a huge Gemma Arterton fan. But I don't normally view these types of movies -- because quite frankly they scare the bejeezus out of me! Managed to see some of this movie by fast forwarding through the scary bits ... so I ended up missing out on chunks of the plot.

If anyone would like to Reader's Digest this movie for me, it would be very much appreciated. I have a lot of questions as per the following examples.

Who is Eleanor's father? Ruthven?
How and why does Clara choose to become a vampire?
When and why does Darvell become a vampire?
Was Darvell always in love with Clara?

Thank you.


Who is Eleanor's father? Ruthven?

I don't think so. She was a prostitute and it could be just anyone. The movie doesn't establish who her father is because it's unimportant.

How and why does Clara choose to become a vampire?

She was dying and she felt it would be a shot at a different and a better life. When Darvell comes with the offer for Ruthven, she takes her chance.

When and why does Darvell become a vampire?

Heh. Like Clara, he was dying. He caught something during the war, I think, and the brotherhood came for him to offer him a chance at eternal life.
What dumbfounds me is why he would offer it to Ruthven, who's a scumbag.

Was Darvell always in love with Clara?

I don't know if he was in love with her or if he just felt guilty for letting Ruthven take her to the whorehouse that first time they met. But he must have cared for her or he wouldn't have gone all this way to protect her.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Thank you very much for the clarifications. It's an immense help in understanding the plot of the movie.

Will attempt to re-watch again -- coward that I am!

Thanks again.


Darvell didn't catch anything. He was seriously wounded whilst suppressing rebellion in Ireland.


Who is Eleanor's father? Ruthven?

Unknown. It is most likely one of many men that Clara was forced to interact with over the years.

How and why does Clara choose to become a vampire?

Clara suffered from TB or what was known as Consumption back then. She was dying. Which left her worried about her daughter and who would care for her until she was grown.

When Darvell came to give Ruthven a chance at eternal life, Clara decided to steal the map to the cave temple and take the gift for herself.

When and why does Darvell become a vampire?

Darvell was ill from past injuries or he contracted a disease. The film wasn't that clear. He wanted to be cured. The Brotherhood found him and offered their gift. How they choose their initiates is unknown.

Was Darvell always in love with Clara?

No, I don't think so. He thought she was a pretty young girl. But his interest was a curse because it gained her Ruthven's notice. He felt guilty about what happened to her.

He fell in love the minute he saw her kill that fisherman on the beach after her turning. He realized that he could have eternity with her, to make up for the bad he caused her. He further fell in love with her all the years he hunted her for the Brotherhood.
