
I adore this series, and Have His Carase is far and away my favorite episode. More than likely because it's the episode where Peter and Harriet are working together the most. In Strong Poison, Harriet's in prison the entire time, and Gaudy Night is mostly about Harriet in her alma mater, with Peter making sporadic appearances, but in Have His Carcase the two are working as a team much more closely.
Of course, Edward Petherbridge is the perfect Wimsey - I've fallen head over heels, to be completely honest - and Harriet Walters is a wonderful Harriet Vane. The chemistry between the two of them is magical. I can't imagine anyone else when I read the stories - to me, they are Peter and Harriet.
I would highly recommend this series to anyone who loves mystery, historical fiction, and romance.
Warning though: Strong Poison does contain some nudity. It's not sexual - a young woman is being painted and one side of her is exposed. So if that bothers you, you may want to skip that episode. Be sure to read the book though, if you are planning on watching the other two, or you'll be pretty lost.


I have seen both this and the other series and by far this is the best overall. One huge reason is Harriet Walter and I am looking for other movies she's been in. As I watched this series it unfolded exactly as I visualized it when I read the novel, over 25 years ago. They did their best the first time around in the 70s with Lord Peter Wimsey on television, but with this set of actors they refined it totally. I never thought they could capture that whimsical spirit and dry sophisticated intelligence in a movie. They couldn't have with any other actors. She IS Harriet Vane.
