when did you call it?

The second Michael Pena's character said "I'm a horrible sponsor." I asked out loud, "Why is he a horrible sponsor, is it cause he's banging his wife?" And sure enough, that turned out to be true. Thank you universe, I will accept my medal now. I'm just that good, seen a lota films.


I didn't get that he was banging the wife. She needed a place to stay and the "bad" part was that he never told the husband.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


When he says "That's not how it happened; she came to me", it's pretty clearly that they're doing it, but his defense is that she came after him, and not the other way around.


> When he says "That's not how it happened; she came to me", it's pretty clearly that they're doing it,

Maybe. It is still ambiguous. Saying that she "came to him" could be as innocent as her needing a place to stay. Or it could mean sex.

The movie was deliberately vague about that. If you want to think they were having an affair, then you view Ferrell's character as more sympathetic. If you think she was just looking for a place to stay, Ferrell's character seems hopeless at relationships.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Pretty scummy thing to do. Rationalize it all you want. You're still wrong for thinking that is acceptable behavior for a sponsor to do.


> You're still wrong for thinking that is acceptable behavior for a sponsor to do.

Really? If we take it as the sponsor simply offering a spare bedroom, then there is nothing scummy about it at all. In fact, it might ultimately be helpful to the alcoholic to have their spouse leave them.

Only if you believe that the sponsor was having an affair with the wife would it be a scummy move. And even then, remember that the sponsor was a cop and an alcoholic too. And cops always think that the rules of society don't apply to them.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


You're deluding yourself if all you think is that Micheal Pena's character just let the wife have a "spare bedroom".


> You're deluding yourself if all you think is that Micheal Pena's character just let the wife have a "spare bedroom".

As I say, there was no confirmation one way or another. And, to paraphrase Roger Ebert on movies, if the director decides not to explain something, anything that you do assume is within your mind only.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


The confirmation was the deception. But like I said, continue deluding yourself.


> The confirmation was the deception.

I hope you are never on a jury. You are not supposed to jump to conclusions based on what you would do in that situation.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Not that family courts have juries but as a judge I would use that information to ascertain if infidelity had taken place.


You mean that you would use that information to GUESS what might have happened.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


How is it deluded to not fill in the blanks to assume the worse? We can all interpret it any way we want to, and there is no point in fighting about it.

I guessed that they at least slept together once, or came close. She never said "i love you" when she was on the phone or anything indicating it was more than that, and the sponsor seemed to think that Nick is still the major f-up here for "cheating" on his wife, so at that point you'd think they would have been more confrontational and have more reasons to argue if the sponsor f-ed Nick's wife. But they didn't argue about it, and ended up going their separate ways, so I think it may have been intended to be an innocent sleeping arrangement, at least in the beginning.

But that's how I saw it. I think all three of them were jerks anyways.


I got suspicious when he was making the suggestion with the backyard sale. Not that he is banging her but that he is at least involved in some way and that he knows exactly where she is and what she wants. Then, when Nick told his story with the coworker he was supposed to rape, I thought "okay, IF his cop friend is involved, she also sleeps with him for revenge".

But i have to admit that that's the only thing I guessed. I thought Nick would sell the baseball for lots of money in the end, I thought he would move in to the pregnant lady, I thought he would she would leave her boyfriend ... oh and I thought it would b a comedy :P


you guys are missing the entire point of this thread. This was an ego booster for me. I figured out that Pena was banging his wife like 10 minutes into the movie, when he said, to me a not so subtle line "I'm a terrible sponsor." Yet when the phone call happened, the ppl i watched the film with were shocked, then shocked that I guessed it. Boom. Thank you. Are you ppl on this thread part of the committee that hands out medals?


I don't know about the medals but I am responsible for the shoulder-patting.


Filmtenk: I don't think anyone missed the point; they were ignoring your obnoxiousness. Also, when you start a thread, you cannot control where the discussions go.

So, perhaps instead of trying to get your ego boosts from strangers on IMDb, you could start "seen a lota" dictionaries and books, and then find some intrinsic pride rather than annoyingly seeking it here.

"Seems most IMDb users believe their own opinions are fact and all others' are wrong." ~Me


Jesus, don't break your arm.

You know: fish, chips, cup 'o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fu*king Poppins... LONDON.


Hey, nice catch man. If I was handing out medals I'd give you two: one for guessing this and one for dealing with the unfriendly people here, especially the guy that thinks Garcia wasn't banging Halsey's wife.

This post brought to you by The Yoyodyne Corporation


Thanks friends!




lol @ all the 'I knew he was banging his wife when he said 'I'm a terrible sponsor' or whatever...you guys must be daft. He was saying that because the guy he's sponsoring ended up drinking when he was supposed to be PREVENTING that from happening. And now his wife throws him out and he's still drinking. That's why he's terrible. RIGHT OVER YOUR HEADS.

-Spoilers are for the weak


you troll. pissing on my parade?


I called it once I read the synopsis of the plot and then read the title of your post. Thanks buddy.


I'm not your buddy (cold hard challenging stare).


I actually persisted through this movie until the scene at nite where the neighbor lady is hanging out with a gloomy will ferell and he says something to the effect of 'i know your type...your husband is an alcy' and she was like 'youre rite!' at which point i made a loud guttural noise spilled my peebs (one of the reasons i guess i was sticking wit it) and turned off me telly. i managed to make it thru some miserably slow scenes and that detective's inept acting skills so hell im proud of myself. horrible piece of cinema trash CMON WILL make more *beep* like anchorman, dont try to be a serious actor: you will fail.

Following his violent revolution, Gandhi was devoured by his followers.

-Chuck Noblet


Whether they were technically sleeping together or not, Pena's character betrayed Ferrel's character. It was inappropriate for her to stay at his house, it's not like she was short on funds and had nowhere else to go(remember they said they had something like 45 grand in the bank?)


This guy read the OP.


I'm gonna be honest and say that I didn't call it... just because I usually try to let films wash over me without making an effort to predict what will happen...

Born when she kissed me, died when she left me, lived whilst she loved me


My initial reaction to Pena's character saying that was that he said it because he couldn't seem to keep Will Ferrell's character from drinking/relapsing.

I never even thought that Pena could have anything to do with the wife at all until Will was sitting in the office and the phone started to ring.


The detective tells Will Ferrell that she deserves better (than him), which leads one to believe that Pena is filling that role for her.


^^ this

Also, when they are in the car they share some words to the effect that Pena was telling the wife to leave Ferrell (most likely to be with him) 6 months prior, and she wouldn't... until he had the alleged affair and got fired, and that is what set her off the deep end and running into Pena's arms.

I thought it was pretty obvious that Pena was more than just "offering her a spare room".
