MovieChat Forums > Everything Must Go (2011) Discussion > Thois movie shows how stupid the america...

Thois movie shows how stupid the american system is

locked out his own house? his credit cards and mobile service cancelled?

and his wife will get half of HIS things and the house taht which the man paid for by his own money????????

this just retarded, the system in usa sucks, no wonder the percentage of married couples in going down

maybe every american should make the woman sign a pre nup

PS3 Rulz


Legally she has no right to lock him out. Legally he could get a locksmith to just open the front door for him. Legally he could sue her if any of his belongings went missing because she tossed everything out.

Yeah, the movie starts out stupidly. If I was in his situation, I would've got a locksmith or just broke a window to gain entry.


Very true!


and the amazing thing is, she could have cheated on him, and yet still be able to to do this. ok maybe she couldn't lock him out of his own home, but she could get a restraining order, saying he was a threat, and kept him from not only not being able to get into his own house, but even to get near it, so he would not even be able to sit on the lawn like he did


As other posts have said, he deliberately chose (after a certain point) to give up on trying to get into the house, to give up on getting his car back and his credit cards reactivated. That's what the whole movie is about.


I know. America goes way overboard with its women rights. Like, did you see that pregnant lady in the movie? We saw her ankles, for Allah's sake! Blasphemous!

Formerly known as PastorOfMuppets


Um, it's a movie.


Your inability to properly spell and utilize grammar shows how limited your education is.


Regardless of country, every person should create a prenuptial agreement.


It's fiction. You can't actually do all that stuff. They had to come up with some excuse to leave him stuck on the lawn.


That was overboard as they weren't yet divorced, not come to any agreements and she wasn't even living there. It helped make the points in the movie though.


No, this shows how if you are an achoholic whose wife (most likely) balances the check book and takes care of paying all the bills with YOUR money, she can comletely screw you over. Joint accounts are fine, but have something to the side that is just yours, whether she knows about it or not.


ok maybe she couldn't lock him out of his own home, but she could get a restraining order, saying he was a threat, and kept him from not only not being able to get into his own house, but even to get near it, so he would not even be able to sit on the lawn like he did

I was under the impression that a restraining order meant that he could not come within X feet of his wife. She wasn't living there so if there was a restraining order, it wouldn't be able to prevent him from being on or in the property.

This is only the first layer. Don't you wanna see how deep I go? -Winifred
