MovieChat Forums > Everything Must Go (2011) Discussion > good reason to hide a few bucks from you...

good reason to hide a few bucks from your wife.

Now I know from experience women will and do take money, or hide it leaving the guy with nothing.
Long story short, had I not tucked away $5,000 that my ex didn't know about I would have been broke.
She cleaned out the accounts and hid the money then asked for a divorce. she did not know that I had a secret account for fun money. As any guy who is married will tell you, getting to spend money on things a guy wants gets much harder once married.

so I learned from a couple married friends to hide some money. I just thought they had cool wives that didn't mind that they spent that much money on beer and going to strip clubs.

Nope they hid money. LOL



I've been hiding money from my Girlfriend since day 0.

Never trust a woman, EVER.

She certainly doesn't know my PIN number, and I would never get a joint account with her in a million years.


Been there and now going thrugh it. My soon to be ex-wife has tons of my cash hidden, but I cant prove it.


How, might I ask, did you keep your account secret? Don't you get statements and such. I knew guys at work that would cash their bonus checks that weren't direct deposit and keep the cash, but hiding a secret bank account seems risky.


just use your ork as the address of record, or get a p/o box to use as the address of record. or hell, even a tight non married friend who won't tell your signifigant other.

but if it is a secret account, you could get caught with the card. of course, with a secret cash stash, you could get caught with a stack of cash.

my wife and i have joint accounts, and i don't honestly believe she would ever do that to me. but if i got such an inkling (and from this movie, he should have) i would setup a second account, and start putting a bit from every paycheck into it. i just wouldn't need to lie, and would just tell her i had a second account.


Just don't get a shared account, simple. Just because you're married doesn't mean you have to share anything. This can all be stated in a contract. I don't understand why so many people do not do this.


I still remember my mother telling me in the 80's to, "never get a joint account when you are married!". I must have been like 10 years old at the time.



I was thinking the same thing while watching this movie. I will def have a separate, secret account. I would be all chauvinistic and say you can't ever trust women, but I really think it goes both ways. Women should have a separate account too, in case a guy tries to screw her over.

Open the pod bay doors, Hal


Though your advice makes some sence on the surface.
Think through the angle that Will Ferrel was an alcoholic on a self destructive bender.

File this one under: save him from himself instead.
When he was ready to deal, she calmly gave him half.
Once the spoilers were all laid out, you also knew she'd set up friends to keep an eye on his downward spiral too.


How about a good reason not to cheat on your wife? Hiding money from your spouse is ridiculous. If you cant trust her not to steal all your *beep* you shouldn't be in the relationship to begin with.


If you cant trust her not to steal all your *beep* you shouldn't be in the relationship to begin with.

There's a saying: The woman you divorce is never the girl you married. People change.


My wife and I have a joint "general" account for repairs to the house, emergency siutations, vacations, and for our kid's schooling and clothes and things of that nature... but we also have our own seperate accounts.

It's not that we don't trust each other, it's just that it's nice to not have to look over a statement each month and scrutinize where money is being spent.

I take care of the mortgage and utilities. She takes care of day care and groceries and essentials around the house. Whatever we have leftover after that we can use for ourselves. If she wants to go to dinner with her friends, she can do that. If I want to go to the bar with my friends or pick up a handle of gin, I can do that. She doesn't care that I play fantasy sports with my co-workers and old college firends... I don't care that she has a million purses and pairs of shoes.

It's not exactly 50/50, but it's fair comparitive to what we make and gives us some flexibility.

That being said, I have friends who are married that have joint accounts and it works fine for them. I also have friends where the wife doesn't work so the husband set up a side fund for her and puts "x" amount of cash into it every paycheck for her to do whatever she wants with.

Different strokes for different folks. Whatever makes people happy.


You don't have to be all "Wimmen R Evil" about it. Just don't have a joint account, or at least have your own account. Even financial experts recommend this. There are men AND women out there who are jerks.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes
