watch online?

Is there anywhere I can watch this online? Their website doesn't seem to carry it anymore, and it doesn't appear to be on DVD. All I can find online are the trailer and various clips.


Wait, it was on their web site? When? Crap, I missed it. Indeed, where can we watch this online? No one has it!
Ant @ The Ant Farm ( and Ant's Quality Foraged Links (


dude, its all over the net if you need to see it.

i prefer to wait for the DVD which may or may not be released in my lifetime and would never condone downloading this after being frustrated by the continual delays.


Really? Where? Legally too?
Ant @ The Ant Farm ( and Ant's Quality Foraged Links (



I don't thank the dvd is out yet, but I just got my copy from YouTube, but more typical places like iTunes and Amazon have it too. Well worth the wait!


Now available on Netflix :)


I just found it at my Los Angeles Public Library. Very good and truly enjoyed it. Don't forget watching the 2nd disk... I almost did. It has the Extended Interviews and RODDENBERRY's 9/04/1986, Hollywood Walk of Fame Star ceremony, with many of Star Trek, The Original Series (1966-1969/TOS) cast cheering him on. Terrific to see Hollywood from 30 years ago!
