Basketball tickets

Is it even possible to spend $18 000 on basketball tickets? Isn't the tickets $50 a piece or something?


If it were a sold out playoff game riggt behind the bench it is possible.


my guess is a scalper saw he was a gullible wimp and took advantage of him :)


not right next to the court in a big game 5 tickets would cost a few grand


He bought them from a scalper. Chances are that it was $18,000 for all 5 tickets he bought.

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


I've seen playoff tickets go for 20 grand for just one courtside seat. So yeah, it would be easy for 5 tickets a few rows up at a playoff game to be 18 grand.

Hell, I easily spend $50 for a balcony seat at a regular season game, NBA or NHL, for teams that have no chance that year of being in the playoffs.

And a ticket for the section behind home plate at a regular season Yankees game is something like $2500.


He bought the tickets from a scalper, meaning he wasn't paying regular price. When you buy from a scalper, they set the price. Normally, nobody would be stupid enough to pay 18 grand, but Brad was desperate to outdo Dusty. So he stupidly paid it.

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Best part was brad was nice enough to buy dusty a ticket too which wouldn't have happened if it were real life.


Most definitely.

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