
The amount of teenage girls, plus probably boys, that'll watch this film is very high so WHY the HELL did so many scenes feature smoking or lighting up a 'fag'?


I hope that the cigarette companies have... wait... nope they don't have ANY moral feelings.



Because they're trying to make these young actors appear more grown up. And what makes people adults? Smoking, drinking (especially while driving), drugs, sex, and saying the F word all the time. It's how any young person tries to appear older.

This part is my signature.


We live in 2015 and smoking bothers you? Out of all the drugs and murder and the rape scene and everything in this movie, smoking is the one thing you have an issue with? Seriously?

"Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"



Bravo! 

"There's a band playing on the radio ~ With a rhythm of rhyming guitars"


HAHAHAHAHAH for reaaaaaaaaaaaal


Believe it or not adults smoke cigarettes. That may offend your tender sensibilities but a good film exposes the more gritty aspects of life, it doesn't pretend life is peachy and everyone is healthy and good to do. Your PC bull is honestly everything that's wrong with the modern world. Being offended is good, seeing the real world is good. Deal with it.


Because people smoke.

Or do you subscribe to the belief that movies shouldn't reflect life, they should reflect an idealized picture of life? So no smoking, no sex outside of marriage, no scanty outfits, no one depicted who isn't shown going to church and praying, no staying out late, no getting bad grades, etc.?



Yes, Iggy was smoking when he drove his car into the water, in that he was on fire. ;-)



I managed to quit a few months ago after nearly a decade of smoking... and while random, horrifically intense cravings still pop up from time to time, I feel surprisingly little withdrawal pangs at seeing actors smoke (even when romanticized to such a degree).

You're taking this a bit too seriously.


"Fun" story... I saw Reality Bites in the theater with my parents (!). My mom's only comment when we left the theater was "they smoked too much."

I found out many years later that my mom used to smoke, and the pieces all fell into place.

Anyway, there was really very little smoking in this flick, compared to twenty years ago. Also, you know, people do smoke. They smoked more in the novel, so MONEY isn't an appropriate thing to shreek here.
