kyle in this!!

so what is this movie about?? what role does kyle play

i like these clothes i like this hair, it's not emo it's not anything ¬¬


Some articles which have been about or mentioned the movie:

Quoting from this one which gives a bit of insight into what the movie is about:

The movie's plot revolves around the Passing Out Game, a method for getting high that involves hyperventilation and choking. The oxygen deprivation and subsequent rush of oxygen to the brain provide a euphoric high. Zinn learned about the game in high school from a soccer teammate, who said the game wasn't any more dangerous than headbutting a soccer ball.

The classmate was wrong. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 45 states reported 82 suspected Passing Out Game-related deaths between 1995 and 2007. In the movie, one of Zinn's characters dies from the game.

A water rights conflict also makes an appearance in the movie. In a side plot, a farmer and fish farmer butt heads about water usage - a hot topic in south-central Idaho.

Zinn said some locals might not be interested in a story about small-town life - after all, he said, they live it every day. But metropolitan movie fans, he found, are interested in real small-town stories.

"Sometimes when you have something that's a little bit different and not necessarily, like, a caricature of a small town, it rings true," Zinn said.


thank you so much! can't wait to see it. i am one of those people interested in small town stories^^

i like these clothes i like this hair, it's not emo it's not anything ¬¬


Small towns are WONDERFUL to live in! When moving from a really small town of 350 people in s.e. MT to Buhl, ID (3500), I wasn't sure if I would find "small" town friendliness and helpfulness. I have and it's all over the Magic Valley and actually south-central Idaho. I won't be moving from here anytime soon. Plus, with all the irrigation, it stays greener longer into fall and it's real pretty around here. Unlike around Mountain Home to irrigation and it's already brown :(

Buhl is small enough that a couple, with no children, like my husband and I, can buy what we need locally. Just the odd, one time purchases like our TV, had to be bought in Twin Falls. We have plenty of restaurants and other businesses that we stay here and do shopping in Buhl. Now, families with children, can do okay here, but it seems that they prefer going to Twin Falls (about 17 miles away) to buy at WallyWorld or other big box stores. That's okay too.

Buhl's annual 4th of July parade is wonderful to watch. Anyone can participate and it lasts over an hour. Tonight (24 Sept 10) is the annual Trout Capital of the World festival. It'll have vendors, street dancing and other events. I took my disabled husband last year and he enjoyed it. We're going again tonight.

If you ever get a chance to go sight-seeing, check out small towns (only 2 stop lights in Buhl), you'll be happy you did.

My Son is protecting your right to be anti-war! Otherwise you best start learning Arabic!
