Horrible Movie

I am a glutton for punishment. I continue to watch these horrible Lifetime TV Movies and then kick myself for doing so. This movie was HORRIBLE, and I have never heard of this Summer Glau person in my whole life, but she's a god awful actress and her facial expression never changes. She reminds me of a glow worm. Do yourself a favor and skip this movie.


Another excuse,huh?????


I thought it was a nice set. It was not based on the story you are thinking of.


I think you meant to respond to the other thread, I didn't comment on the sets and I knew the movie wasn't based on the actual story where the husband went missing on the honeymoon.



DO yourself a favor and skip any lifetime movie.

Not that hard.



Yeah it was pretty bad but like a train wreck I couldn't look away.


Don't Make Me Have to Release the Flying Monkeys!



I liked the movie myself. Summer Glau was my attraction.


I agree, my wife was watching this, the only reason I stopped and watched it WAS because Summer Glau was in it. I loved her in Firefly. And she was awesome in The Sara Conner Chronicles.

How can you knock Summer Glau? Jeeeezzz Go back and see what she did as River Tam.


I liked the movie myself.
Me too. Some of these can be groaners, but having been on four cruises, I liked the shipboard shots. Besides, the current sitcoms are crap and when I want some escapist fare, I tape these movies so I can fast forward through the endless commercials.
We were on a Princess Cruise where they were making a movie starring Robert Urich, who, IMO, turned out to be a jerk. Kept turning away the starry-eyed kids who wanted his autograph. They wanted people to dress up in order to be in the background, but because of Urich, we wanted no part of him and stayed away.

Summer Glau was my attraction.
I liked Zoe McLellan, who, for me, took the eye candy award. First time I had seen her. And, always enjoy the performance of Mark Harelik (ship's captain). I first saw him do comedy in "Wings" and ever since, look for him in the credits.


"She reminds me of a glow worm."

lmao, so funny


'hold it together young lady!'

why does he dad talk to her like she's 9?

Hey, sprechen sie talk?


Well, that's 2 hours that I'll never get back!
