Song help...

...About 40 minutes into the film--just after Martine and Omar buy that car for $350--a song is playing. Some of the lyrics are "...If I ever get to Kingston. If I ever get to Rome..." Does anyone know who sings it or what the title of the song is? Thanks in advance.

Just some food for thought,
Peace, Y'all!
Loralee :)


Damon Aaron is the songwriter and performer of almost all of the songs (with lyrics) that we heard in this movie. I was able to hear most of them on his website and iTunes. Unfortunately, the song I think you are looking for is the only one not currently available on either of those sites ... (at least not that I can see at this moment). I'm pretty sure the song you are referring to is called, "Road Ends."
In the movie credits you can see the song credits.
One last thing... Joey Newman is composer of score for this film.
Hope this helps.


The song is titled: "Time You Want Again" by Damon Aaron. You can listen to the song on the link below or just follow the links and you can buy the album "Autumn", where I think most of the music in the film comes from.

Hope that helps
