Gantz fans unite!

I am proud to start the first topic on the Gantz movie board. Yesh!

So, what are your thoughts on this project? Excited or worried? Kazunari Ninomiya as Kurono and Kenichi Matsuyama as Kato, good or bad choice? And who got enough breast to play Kishimoto?! Has anyone seen any movie directed by Shinsuke Sato?

I must say I'm not too confident, even though it has a decent $45 million dollar budget (but for one or two films?). Kazunari Ninomiya is too weak-looking and effeminate, he'll never make a convincing Kurono. Kenichi Matsuyama is a better choice, he's tall and he can look badass. The violence, the sexuality, none of this will survive the trip to the big screen and I'm afraid this is where the real carnage will take place.

Last watched:


i just heard it on a blog where someone is talking to some other persons but if they make this movie, and they will do it good then i just cant wait to see it.


Kurono is suppose to be shorter than Katou so the physical proportion of both actors are pretty spot on. Ninomiya was pretty badass in Ao no Hono as well as that shovel scene in Letters From Iwo Jima. I'm pretty confident with his acting as emo Kurono.


I can't doubt Ninomiya's acting. I think anyone who doubts him only knows him from Arashi and has never seen him act. I love his work and I think he's an amazing actor. If anyone has any doubts, you should watch clips of Ryusei no Kizuna or Ao no Honoo, where he plays similar characters to Kei. You should also look up Door to Door and Letters from Iwo Jima and while they're not Kei like characters, he is also amazing in them. He will do very well.

Kenichi Matsuyama is a good choice for Kato.

It was a good casting move because the two main actors have been in movies distributed in America/overseas and will be more familiar to movie audiences. Ninomiya has been in Letters from Iwo Jima and Matsuyama has been in Death Note.


Big fan of the manga here, not so much of the anime, found it disappointing.
My expectations are pretty low at this point, but I'm interested to see what they can do with the material, at least visually we might get some cool stuff. The short promo looks promising though and makes the movie feel tonally consistent with the manga.

The casting seems fine to me, aspect wise, I'm not familiar with their acting skills.
I guesse the big problem for me is that even with 2 movies they won't be able to get that much into the backbone of the whole story, unfortunately, which leads me to believe that they'll probably come up with some kind of lame ending to tie everything up.
