MovieChat Forums > Contraband (2012) Discussion > What's with all the negative comments?

What's with all the negative comments?

Come on people!! I actually enjoyed this movie. It was a good friday night cinema popcorn flick. Entertaining from beginning to end. Why do you people insist on stripping down every single movie to every single detail? Okay, so it wasn't The Shawshank Redemtion, but were you really that thick as to expect it to be?

I know not everybody can like it, but there are some comments around here that just pick on every little detail.

All I'm saying is...chill out people. Some things, good or bad, are just made to entertain and there's nothing more to it.

And from my point of view this movie was not even close to as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

'A baby sleeps in all our bones so scared to be alone..'


Wait a minute... only positive things can be said on this board? What type of world are we living in folks?

IMHO, this movie stunk. I frickin hated it and if it wasn't for the fact that I played this movie for both my wife and I to watch, I would have turned it off (She's such a Marky-Mark fan, she'd probably enjoy watching him take a dump). I actually did turn this off before the "director credit" was displayed and tried watching Haywire instead, but that was even worse. I'll spare you the details of why I thought this movie was bad and quite honestly, I wasn't even going to make a post about it, but I seen your thread and thought, "Why do people think that these boards were solely made for all positive and good things to say? And if anyone has an opposing view, they're pissed on?" Why? Why do you feel that because you like something you got a right to come here and post about it? Unless people are making post that are in clear violation of the terms of service, then why would you care?

To answer your question, What's with all the negative comments? Because there are people out there that didn't like the movie. They feel they are entitled to come here and post about their bad experience just as much as you feel entitled to post how much you enjoyed this movie.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


Of course everybody is entitled to post about their bad experience as much as I am to post about mine, please, don't be patronizing.

All I meant was that some people are just plain ridiculous with comments like...'Major plot hole, the freighters couldn't have been loaded and unloaded that fast', etc. etc., just picking on every detail. That's what bothered me. Like I said before, there are movies from which you expect a lot, you expect them to be good, but there are other movies, who are only made with the purpose of cheap entertainment, and I think that from these kinds of movies is ridiculous to expect them to have this very high level of quality.

'A baby sleeps in all our bones so scared to be alone..'


I get where you're coming from but no movie board is excempt from the type of negative comments you're complaining about.
Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


BTW, your comment about don't patronize...Pot calling kettle black? Because I only responded in the way you made me feel when I read your post. You were like, "Come on people!!! I actually liked this movie." As if you are the authority? We don't know you and quite honestly I don't care that you like this awful movie. What I do care is not being talked down to. You do it to me, I throw it back in your face, give you a taste of your own medicine. But in all honesty, I was being as tactful as I could. Patronizing was the last thing on my mind. Maybe you should look in the mirror as well.
Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


She made a general post to start the thread. It wasn't patronizing anyone. You, however, replied DIRECTLY to her in your faux tactful slash patronizing tone.

I suspect you're intelligent enough to see the difference.


The IMDB "Lovers" and "Loathers" huh?

When people liked a movie, they trumpet how awesome it was, it deserved 9/10!!! Great entertainment!
but when people hated it, they rant about how awful it was... 1/10!! crap, boo hiss. There aren't many films I could honestly give a score below 3/10 and Contraband is definitely not one of them. For me, most movies occupy that 5-7/10 territory.

I am honestly surprised whenever someone can claim they hated a movie so much they felt like walking out of the theatre - don't get me wrong, there are bad films, but most movies are ... well.. just average!

When I watched Contraband, I was going along for the ride, so to speak, within it's own "bubble of fiction" escaping from the real world. Since movies are fiction, I don't know why people seem to like pulling the story to bits just so they can justify their dislike for it. I don't think that is how the average person thinks when they watch a film either, I for one would hate watching a movie with someone who picked apart every plot-hole while I was trying to enjoy the story.


Hey, listen I am the first one to recognize that I like some bad movies. Everybody has their guilty pleasure. I also dislike some apparently really good movies as well. Ijust think that people need to look at these things objectively, but like you pointed out they never do.

'A baby sleeps in all our bones so scared to be alone..'


There aren't many films I could honestly give a score below 3/10 and Contraband is definitely not one of them. For me, most movies occupy that 5-7/10 territory.

So true.

People who think a movie like this one is a bad movie obviously haven't seen really bad movies. Want to see a bad movie? Go watch BloodRayne by Uwe Boll or The King Maker by Lek Kitaparaporn.

Time to get a sense of perspective, guys. Assuming you don't hang yourselves halfway through either of those movies, you're on your way to broadening your horizons.

You need to find the bottom before you can reliably tell how deep the pit is. If you think Contraband is at the bottom then you sure as *beep* don't know how deep the pit is.


Oh God, The King Maker! So poorly done I thought it was filmed in a garage. The worst movie I have ever attempted to watch. Attempted because 20 minutes in I realised I needed to do something better with my life.

As far as this movie goes, I found it somewhat suspenseful, and it even gave me a good laugh in that ending scene with the captain. Not bad at all. I've seen far, far, far worse.


Poorly ? This is the best written movie I saw this summer. Yes, it does not cost 100 millions to do it but they really expend a lot on the story instead and make you dumb with FX.
This is not for kids and has serious social critics to USA politics and armed forces.

Probably your idea of good movie is Man of Steel; two hundreds millions in FX and a story that copies the first two Superman movies (the probably expend $ 10 in the script or nothing).


How dare you disparage one of Uwe's masterworks.


I agree with Big Rich, this movie was bad as was Haywire. The trailers looked good for both and I really wanted to see them, but they were huge letdowns.


I also liked it, its a fun movie. sure it's nothing great but I don't think it deserves some of the hate its getting.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


ACTUALLY the movie was way over the top great .

it has been some time that i have not enjoeyed a movie this much

10/10 for me


Very true.. it's a good entertaining movie.. no doubt.. and most of the entertaining movies do have some kind of plot holes over which there's no point in arguing about..

People need to watch it just for the sake of entertainment.. and not write such negative comments.. just give your rating and move on if you don't LOVE the movie..


No idea. It wasn't the best movie I've seen in a while, but it wasn't bad at all. I was pleasantly surprised.


People are posting a lot of negative comments because the trailers made it look like a good movie. Instead, all you get is a bunch of nonsense viewed through a shaky camera.

When you expect a mediocre movie and get it, you don't rush to the net to say the movie was mediocre. But when all the ingredients for a good movie were present (decent premise, good actors, good locations, good budget), but the director screws it all up, then folks will complain loudly.


Exactly how did the director screw it up?

It's a hormone war zone - boys are out for a fight


I have to agree with Mikaela90. Trolls will be trolls. After all, they got their manners off the internet and not from their parents. And if they did get them from their parents, that's a double fail.

<Generation "me" is an EPIC FAILURE>


I agree. I think this film was enganging and exciting. It's at least a 7,5, not down in the sixes. It's realistis.
Great job by Kormakur again!
