Any good?

I hope it's as good as Jelly Bellies

grrr arg h4x0r 7Eh pl4NE7


its great!...check it out at as well as Amazon....


I just caught it on the Documentary Channel. .

This guy is quite a character and the story is a bittersweet one. . .no pun intended.

"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."


I very much enjoyed the telling of the truth behind the only Jellybean I'll ever eat. These were a revelation to me when I was younger. The artist in me thought they were so very clever, and the snacker in me loved making up tasty combos.

The film itself was well-done. A bit of a sad story, but frustrated and unfulfilled geniuses usually are. I hope he continues to make fun and happiness for people around him, while finding some happiness and peace for himself.


You are *EXACTLY* right="frustrated and unfulfilled geniuses usually are"---from Nikkola Tesla forward---however, that's ok. As I said above, SUCCESS is not measured in the size of one's wallet.
