A poorly made movie.

I watch a lot of crap movies, my tolerance is pretty high. So
I was able to finish this (netflixed it tonight). But I almost
turned it off...
It's dark, and by that I mean you can't see what's going on in
the middle 45 minutes of the movie. There were times I couldn't
tell what was going on because they were walking around in the
dark. The black character was the only one I even half enjoyed,
and he spent a lot of time appearing as eyeballs and a smile because
I couldn't see him at all.
The plot made little sense, even with the lame twist ending.
Really poor acting for the most part.
The Winchester Mansion is huge. The one in this movie barely qualifies
as a large house. The backstory was kind of glossed over near the end
of the movie, but didn't really tie in with the plot at all.
How did these people end up renting it? Why? What's the deal with
the woman staring at the baby crib at near the start? A very poorly
acted scene and unecessary to the movie.
I could have given this movie a slightly higher rating if they had
only been able to light their scenes properly. As it is, I'm surprised
anybody could enjoy this.


I haven't seen this yet, but it appalls me that they could go so wrong with a horror movie about the Winchester Mansion!! Lots of people seem to agree with you on this.

Although I will give this a go, I'm still more inclined to re-watch two things that were just 'inspired' by the Winchester Mansion. Stephen King's "Rose Red", and the episode of Ghost Hunt called "The Blood-stained Labyrinth". They were both truly amazing IMO. Great stories, with a creepy atmosphere & suspense... and some genuine scares!


you may want to check the brightness on your television...I just watched it and did not have any problems seeing anything that went on...


I had no probs watching this brightness was fine - and whilst film has flaws and holes (even the so called greatest movies have them -like the idiotic ghosts thru TV in Poltergiest - give me a feckin break ffs) i found it a decent -ish effort .How da feck it got only 3.6 out of 10 i don't know.I have seen far far far worse films.
And Lira Kellerman - ain't she a cutie
It is better than The Haunting (Smurl Poltergiest) and Haunting in Cincinatti

Hey Witchdoctor, give us the magic words.
ooh ee ooh ah ah, ting tang wallawallabingba
