I started writing a spoof of this movie......

but the script is quickly becoming something more. Its called 'The Cuddles', the plot is this: Goober, Rainy, and Dotty live in peaceful Cuddle-Land, but one day during a birthday party men in gas-masks show up and start shooting up the party, the ones they don't kill they knock out and load into a helicopter. Goober, Rainy, and Dotty manage to escape and eventually discover that a deranged, mescaline addicted scientist is behind the massacre, he's doing horrible experiments with the cuddle gene. So the gang sets out across and then out of Cuddle-Land to save their friends. Little do they know that beyond Cuddle-Land is a depraved sick world where flesh sells no matter if its dead or alive.

"Living And Dying, We Feed The Fire."


The names should be changed to Gooby, Bogs, and Dolan.


Why such disgusting names? Why not Herpes, Genital Warts and Gonorrhea? (kudos to you if you get that reference).


i'd watch it
