Is it really that bad?

I haven't seen but I've heard reviewers tell stories of how kids where getting up and dancing and singing and having a blast and I think it's kind of cute that it encourages kids to be more interactive with the movie.


I'm currently watching it with my son on Netflix, and I'm cringing.. My god..

Sadly, my son (who is two) is half watching, half playing with his toys. But I'm over here with my eyes bleeding.

Gonna turn it off.
I wanted to check it out cuz Netflix was gonna take it off the roster soon. And because I heard about how much it sucked and how bad it tanked, I had low expectations, of course.

Either watch it or don't.
But its worse than Barney's Grand Adventure or any other little Sesame Street/Teletubbies/etc... Pre School show/movie.. Just bad.


Yes it is that bad. Toni Braxton has awesome songs, but she was not supposed to be involved with this cringefest. I'd rather watch her music videos.
