Blu ray release?



Probably never. 99.9 % of the time, even if a film bombs at the box office, it still gets released on blu-ray. But this was not just any box office bomb. The filmmakers lost $59,000,000 to this. A $20,000,000 budget, plus $40,000,000 on marketing. Think about it, they gained $1,000,000 back of their $60,000,000 invested. It was a MAJOR loss to the studio. Frankly, I am surprised they even bothered to release it on DVD afterwards.


That's too bad! I have a collection of terrible movies released on blu ray, and I wanted to have this exquisite piece of art in my collection


That's too bad! I have a collection of terrible movies released on blu ray, and I wanted to have this exquisite piece of art in my collection

I'm so sorry! 


There's no way your numbers are remotely close to being legit.
