MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Many may be in shock right now, but come...

Many may be in shock right now, but come on...(spoilers)

The shock is overshadowed by the utter stupidity. Please explain how one person (Alpha) was able to abduct all those people in the middle of a fair. Further (and secondary), how was Alpha's face so clean in the Kingdom, yet filthy again shortly after? They provided a shock that when evaluated, had no basis in any realm of possibilities.


Don't mess with Alpha, she is very creative when it comes to making road signs.


“how was Alpha's face so clean in the Kingdom, yet filthy again shortly after?”

Because she put dirt on her face shortly after? Wow talk about a stupid question...


Did something trigger you, little one? I didn't mean to make you cry.


You sound like the triggered one here, Underdog.


What a productive contribution. Do you regularly have nothing to say?


“Please explain how one person (Alpha) was able to abduct all those people in the middle of a fair”

She had help?


Tammy Rose was practically joined by the hip with that baby and her husband must have abducted her when she was in the tiolet. Be nice to see how they Mission Impossible these abductions.


There were multiple infiltrators in the Kingdom, obviously.

Someone comes up behind you and sticks a knife against your ribs. "Walk. Make a sound and your doctor won't be able to keep you from bleeding out." Something like that. There are bound to be multiple ways out - besides the front gate. Ways most of the Kingdomites are aware of but outsiders wouldn't be (unless they ask "nicely").


A) She wasn't alone at the Kingdom
B) She put on her Walker makeup later


Maybe the timeline had me completely confused, but weren't many of the people taken while on the road to the Hilltop?


I don't think they could have been taken on the way to Hilltop. Henry was checking the pipes, and not going back there anyway. Enid's boyfriend was still at the fair, as well as Brett Butler's husband and the baby. They wouldn't leave without them, not to mention the fact they were missed. Tara already said she wasn't leaving until the next morning. And so on...


Wait, who was Saddiq with when got abducted? I thought he left with the group going to Hilltop? or did he stay at the Kingdom?


I think he was part of the group going with Tara the next day.


Danke schon!


She obviously had the help of the crew that entered the barn with her in the flashback ..The look she and Henry exchanged clearly showed this was the first time they'd seen each other again since he'd been returned home.
They must have gone for those that were somehow isolated such as Henry checking the pipes or some that may have been on their way to Hilltop.
The thing was that no one was expecting them at the Kingdom and were relaxed thinking that Hilltop was the target.

They clearly skipped over this part because they always screw up explanations for things like this that happen but it seemed to me that everyone held in the barn were first seeing Alpha that day when she entered and the highway men attacked.


Agree. There were other whisperers at the fair we didn’t see. It was an ideal place for folks to blend in since there would be a lot of strangers. They could always say,”I’m from Alexandria, we haven’t met before.”
