Henry actor cannot act

Nepotism? Really should have cast an actor for an acting role.


Not as bad as Sam or whatever that annoying kid who refused to go down the stairs was called.


I don't think he can act either, but how is it nepotism? What familial ties does he have with The Walking Dead or anyone associated with it?


Both actors to have played Henry and also the actor that played Sophia, Carol's daughter, are all siblings in real life.

And their mother Kelly Lintz had a role in The Mist movie and that was directed by Frank Darabont.


Yeah, he really can't. This show has a knack for casting talentless actors for main roles. Chandler Riggs can't act for shit, yet they cast him for a main character that would require some serious acting chops to pull off. I'm convinced they killed him off because he couldn't act well enough to do the role justice.


I just can't stand the Henry character. What an absolute dumbass. He's annoying as hell. Causing way too many problems for everyone else, and making mind numbingly stupid decisions. The show is losing me. Not showing Negan, Michonne, etc. as the show continues to go weeks at a time without showing significant characters. Even when you think something is going to happen...it doesn't.


I have grown to dislike Henry as well. The writer's on this show can take either a beloved character, or a totally innocuous one and make you loathe them. For a while there I wanted someone to chop the head off of Morgan, and have rooted for someone to put Carol out of her misery when she went through her "I can't hurt a fly" phase. They have done this with Henry, and now I want him jettisoned from the show. It's all down to lousy writing, imo.


People used to say "Carl get back in the house!!!" Now they should say "Henry get back in the jail!!!"


Give him a decent story and lines ... the character sucks ... he is just the giant mistakes that motivates all the danger they get it.
