S9E9 - Whispbored

Once you find out they're human, they're nothing special now. They still try to blend in when some fucker with a bow and arrow shoots them in the leg. Talk about retarded camouflage. As long as you stay at a distance and pick them off, they're good as dead. These human blenders only are useful when they're within a large zombie horde. Single or small groups they're literally useless unless the humans are dumber by trying to act cool and do judo stab kungfu mix which got Jesus owned. They clearly can do CQC quite well, well some of them anyway.


yeah would have been more interesting if the zombies do evolved like in the movie Warm bodies


Imagine the moralizing about still killing them when they've begun to speak and express themselves. And now they're able to fight back, too. Missed opportunity!


They do evolve...now they just walk into fire and oof of cliffs..they are becomming dumber


I guess the only thing to maintain the suspense is knowing we can't trust that prisoner (the crying woman that Daryl shouted at). She says there aren't that many of them. But what if there are, and what if they have much darker purposes than she's letting on?

Right now they don't seem that scary, but with the cliffhanger (where the musician professor and Aiden were captured), perhaps they have their own big community like the Saviors. Whereas Negan's goal was a sort of enslavement and humiliation, maybe the Whisperers want pure annihilation.


The prisoner is going to manipulate the kid who's also currently locked up. He's going to do something dumb, prisoner ends up escaping and brings the horde to Alexandria/kills a few people. I hope it doesn't go like that but it's so predictable.


Worst episode in recent memory.


Yes, I know. They're just another group of demented sociopathic adversary's that must be feuded and warred with and neutralized while another round of whoever s left from the home team we still recognize gets thinned out again.

Not a very good cover for anything other than walkers...
Over all not particularly anything new.

All I can say is that with hardly any familiar faces left in the group that the writing is still handling it better than seasons 7 & 8..
If it makes a difference at this point.
