MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > 10 years of life experience

10 years of life experience

but we've still got groups of one and two persons just wandering around in the woods.

What a shock, something bad happened.

LOL, little 8-9 year old Judith wandering off all by herself into zombie world to single handedly locate and round up Neegan!

What brain dead idiots would still be heading out by groups of one and two? LOL.


I have been saying it before, that the children in this show just do whatever they want, they managed to kill Carl because of this narrative as well! (Got bitten wandering around alone helping a stranger), i was baffled to see Judith, a child that was their biggest concern to protect to just see her walking around outside all alone, and even handling Rick's old gun (something that would blast her in the face if it held real bullets instead of the lighter blank shots.


I actually thought it was a dream sequence at first, I expected Neegan to wake up after dreaming Judy was just standing out in the middle of the road shooting him.


I think it will be revealed that Judith is a mutant that has the ability to track people and zombies like as if she is using GPS.


Yeah. This was so ridiculous. I assumed she was part of search party, (still, letting someone so young out on one of those is still dumb) but no one ran to her after her firing a shot so she must be on her own. Madness. Twist your ankle/whatever and you're done out there. And they seem to have given up on going out properly armed too.


Ive wondered, after 10 years, how many walkers can be left?


I'm sure almost all of them would have rotted away into nothing. For the show, however there will always be endless hordes of them, still strong, vibrate, full of teeth and able to walk.


As many as the plot requires. Those pesky ninja zombies still exist. You know, the ones that just happen to appear from nowhere in the woods without even snapping a twig.

I suppose depending on decomposition and the staggering of the infection of the population as safe zones and communities fall to zombiefication, how long is a piece of string I guess. Though, I'm not a scientist ha.


I mean the show does put logic aside, but zombies can't last forever. Ligaments dry out, snap, then they can't walk anymore. Food runs out, they starve and die. The cold weather must kill them off too. The world population of humans is smaller and smaller, so there are less new zombies.


Well, realism aside, characters in TWD know there are lots of zombies left as they have seen the hordes (that they insist on calling herds). So they are aware of how potentially dangerous it is to be outside of the walls of their communities.
