Global warming?

Maybe this has been asked and answered but: How come it has never been winter? Georgia gets some snow in winter. So does Alexandria. But there has never snowed in the show. Did global warming finally happen and it's always summer?


You are demanding snow... We barely get any rain on the show. You are asking for too much, xd.


The lack of any different weather is really ridiculous. It's laziness not to.


The zombie virus/whatever causes them to hibernate during winter so nothing to see during the sleepy time.


It would no doubt add extra expenses to the budget in order to show winter on this show. Do you really thing the tightwads at AMC are gonna allow that?



I understand showing snow will cost more. I'll believe that the walkers hibernate in winter. People, however, don't.

But there is not even a mention of winter happening. "You know, when such-and-such got sick last year? Yeah the cold finally killed him/her last winter."

I doubt the Saviors hibernate. Negan would probably be like: "They are cold, hungry, weak, sick. GO GET THEM!"


Yes, the non-mention of winter is glaringly inexcusable. I could maybe--MAYBE--give the show a pass if the location they were supposed to be living in now was still Georgia somewhere since it's not uncommon for that area to have very mild winters compared to the north...

But since they're now in Virginia, not too far from DC, they have to have dealt with harsh conditions, and I would think considering the scarcity of resources a snowy or bitter cold winter would be as much of a threat to their survival as would zombies and human foes at other times.


I imagine the cold would negate some of Negan's walker defense system, and in general put walkers in a place of third importance. Would be better to have Spring, when the walkers are thawing out.


I guess we were not the only ones wonder if winter was coming...


well not much goes on in a snowy winter when everyone is shut indoors.. i mean some seasons are really only a few days it seems like. 1 episode is like 1 day. so there is alot we don't see from their year...


If we're to believe the "climate experts", this world should instead experience global cooling after nearly ten years without airplanes, factories etc. letting out toxic gas. At least we did finally get a winter episode, but it probably won't happen again anytime soon.
