
Ok, maybe that was overly sarcastic, but come on. I won't even go into how bad this season is since that's based on opinion. But you really have to admit the constant jumping back and forth in the timeline is beyond old. And pretty annoying.

These writers are beyond unimaginative. It's all they know how to do. It doesn't make the show interesting. It's just a cheap gimmick in order to fill the season with fluff.

Someone needs to tell them they're not Tarantino and they're not trendy. They're just sad, pathetic, and amateurish.


Horrible season so far and the timeline jumping is just becoming one of the most annoying things with the show. Imagine the writers sitting around the table saying, "Let's start the episode in the future and then go back to find out how it all happened". Really?


They do that all the time now.
And now they have old man Rick thinking back on the current episode ... it's irritating. Do they think if they do not keep the audience confused that we will see how simpleminded and stupid the episodes are?


That episode was beyond odd. So Rick becomes some old guy that looks like Santa, and they start inventing holidays.

When writers add garbage like that, it forces them to take a specific direction that might not work, and a bigger mess follows.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I imagined the exact same thing about the writers. I also imagined how they most probably feel as if they're doing something ground breaking. I didnt knowbthis level of delusipnal existed. Talk about beating a one-trick-pony to death.


Right? It's like they hijacked the timeline strategy that works so well for This Is Us and are trying to make it work in The Walking Dead universe. It doesn't.


You're right. It's not charming, poignant or anything good.


I've been enjoying this season a lot. Sorry you don't like it.


Not sure what there is to enjoy, but OK.


Well, for me, I enjoy that it was not last season. I do not like all the violent murdering of people that we have grown to know and care about.


I do not like all the violent murdering of people...

TWD is known for killing off characters, it's their schtick. If you've watched it this long, you should already know that. Part of the reason I watch this show is because they are willing to kill off main characters.


Go away. I don't need you to tell me what I should or should not already know or think, or your reasons for anything other than clinging strongly to your mental dysfunctions. I asked you multiple times not to reply to me, what is your psychological fixation on rudely blabbering where you are not wanted and stalking my comments. You must feel rejected because my comments interest or provoke you for some reason, but your comments are not interesting enough for me to bother with, so you react with backhanded passive-aggressive comments that do not lead anywhere anyway. Learn some manners and how to have a conversation with someone instead of just scribbling irritating graffiti.


Get over yourself. I respond to who I want, how I want. It's a discussion forum, we discuss things. You're delusional if you think I'm stalking your comments but you know what, maybe I should give you extra attention, I think that's what you want.


Umm . . . the show. Not sure what to tell you. I still enjoy the show each week. I'm still interested in the outcome of the virus. I want to see what happens to the characters. I still care. If that ever changes for me, I just won't watch anymore, but for now, I'm still invested. I really enjoy TWD. It entertains me each week, which is all I ask.


Then why do you watch it? Like I told the other guy, if you watch a show only to troll online, it reflects worse on you than the show. I still like the show. They create good characters, have excellent casting, and I'm a sucker for zombies.


I have stuck with it for all these years. I still hope that they will change direction, but if not, I may give up on the show sometime soon. Furthermore, this is a discussion forum where we talk about the good and the bad. Just because we talk about something we don't like about the show, doesn't make us trolls.


Fair point. What do you still like about the show that keeps you watching?


I do feel if I am still invested in the characters and I do like zombies, but all of the gun fighting is getting tired. The good guys against the bad guys is played out too. I just wish the group would stumble upon some scientists who are trying to find out the origin of the virus and maybe find a cure. Also I wish they'd get back to the city instead of staying in the country. They need something different or else the show will begin to lose lots of viewers. Lots of my friends who were once crazy about the show, are feeling just like me.


I think everyone I know who watches the show loves it, which is probably most people I know. I'm surprised at how many people watch this show, young, old, black, white, religious, not religious; it seems to have universal appeal. I've never really heard anything bad about it in person. The occasional grumble, but not the vitriol you see online.


That's my experience too. Almost everyone I know who watches still loves the show.


That is really strange, because people who couldn't wait until Sunday came, are kind of meh about it now. I am from NYC, so maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe people in other areas like it more. I just don't know.


I noticed that people started bashing the show when it became a big success. There is a certain type of person who doesn't like to think of themselves as enjoying or being part of pop culture.


That is not it with the people I know. I started hearing some concerns during last season, and I am really hearing a lot of negative comments from people I know this season.


I have to agree. I'm also tiring of all the gun fighting.


I couldn't take it and had to ff through that last flashback.


Same here. I'm finding myself fast forwarding quite a bit.


Sorry but if you fast forward through an episode you’re not actually watching it so your opinion about it is totally worthless.


What a dumb thing to say. There's not even a little truth behind that statement, and definitely zero intelligence.


You’re a bit of a douche, huh? Another good reason not to take anything you say seriously. Nothing even remotely dumb about what I said. If you fast forwarded through an episode then you didn’t actually watch it therefore your opinion on said episode shouldn’t be taken seriously.


I think I'd prefer to be a douch over a moron, any day of the week. Sadly, you're both. Idiotic statements that show zero intellect should be left unsaid. Keeping that in mind, a life of silence is best for you.


I've been trying to enjoy this season for the comedic effect. That's all there is left.


Sadly, laughing seems to be all we have left.


When Morales suddenly turns up, it seemed to signal some significant plot-twist--where is this going to go? So it was hysterically funny when, a few minutes later, Daryl shows up and just kills him. That's unintentional but it IS entertaining.


But you're still watching.


Such an ignorant brain dead reply. It's the reply of the mentally deficient, and the perpetually useless, who can't think of anything intelligent to say.

Shows have ups and downs, diptard. Only an idiot immediately stops watching a show they've watched for years, because it gets stupid, without giving it a chance to recover. And only an idiot says, "duh, err, but you're still watching, derp, duh...." Are you an idiot? No need to answer, your reply says it all.


Watching a show that makes you this unhappy ... it's kind of pathetic really. I don't watch shows that don't entertain me. If I felt about this show the way you do, I would drop it in a minute. Bashing something that you can't stop watching is like your reply above -- it reflects worse upon you than anything else. I think you should give it up and finding something to do with that time that makes you happy.


When did I say I can't stop watching? That statement goes well with your other nonsense.

Clearly comprehension is not something you're blessed with. If you're so devoid of intellect that you can't understand why someone could complain about a show and still watch it, you're not worth the time it takes to reply. If someone watches a show for years and it suddenly takes a turn for the worse, a normal person keeps warltching hoping it'll improve just as suddenly.

If your attention span is so stunted that you cant stick with something during the down times, then your immaturity level fits with your childish and ignorant replies. Ask a grown up to explain it to you.


>> Such an ignorant brain dead reply.

So you have the same problem with this guy ... he's so proud of not having anything to say that he runs around and dumps his boring little quips everywhere, especially to people who indicate they are unappreciated.


Why are you being passive aggressive, why not respond with something on topic.


"These writers are beyond unimaginative. It's all they know how to do. It doesn't make the show interesting. It's just a cheap gimmick in order to fill the season with fluff."

I definitely agree with you there, I'm beyond sick of the filler. I really don't think Gimple has any end goal for the show, he's just milking it for what it's worth, popping out gimmicks to keep people watching. What also drives me nuts is how back-and-forth the characters are. They jump between extremes in their viewpoints, with no clear transition. A character says "A" one episode and "B" the next. And it seems to me that whenever a character starts to become a moral compass, especially if it happens suddenly, you can pretty much bet that they're going to die soon. It's like Gimple thinks, "Okay, so we're killing off this character. Quick, we gotta make sure the audience warms up to them right before they go--that way their death will be sadder!" It's contrived and amateurish.


Your last point is spot on. The writers may as well come out and say, "hey, we're killing this character." The change in personality is so awkward, you know they're going to die. I thought that type of writing went out years ago. It's pathetic. That also goes hand in hand with the other personality changes. The characters are only the characters by name now. Their personalities change so drastically it's unnatural and unbelievable. These writers are one trick ponies, but the trick boring and the ponies are lame.
