MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Game of Thrones is a better show?

Game of Thrones is a better show?

WD and GOT are both amazing shows; but what's your fav?


GOT and it's not even close. Although Breaking Bad blows away both of them.


GOT might be the "better" show but TWD is miles more entertaining.


GOT is a better show.
But for all the reverence we give GOT is also capable of boring filler episodes even with a massive budget and a meager 10 episodes to work with.
I remember explicitly the first 4 ep of season 5 leaking online early and being a bit discouraged because they were pretty boring. Sometimes GOT only found its way halfway into a season. And it has its stumbles too (Sand Snakes).

I prefer GOT to TWD,..and like Navigator,...preferred Breaking Bad overall (although those eps that concentrated too much on family and away from Walt and Jesse were never as good).


Greg Nicotero helped make the wights for the Hardhome episode.


GOT by a long shot, the first few seasons of TWD were good but now its just average.


Still, not bad for a cable show budget set length with commercials vs a specialty channel mega budget longer length show? GOT brags they have the biggest budget of an tv show, plus no commercials and any length they want and flexibility on air dates and times. So not bad WD?


If you asked this question 4 or 5 years ago, I would have said it's too close to call.

But now, GOT is ten times better than TWD. Among many factors that make it better, its story is actually progressing and moving towards a resolution. TWD is just...floundering.


GOT is much better.

TWD isn't really a good show anymore. It takes FOREVER to get anything done.


Yep. Floundering...


WD is more about each character's growth whereas GOT is about the story progessing. It's subtle in WD. Each stage has been an escalation. They are now in the world is not just them stage but how to bring the broken world back together. It's a bigger picture. Example, the regular world Carole, a battered wife. The apocalypse Carole loses her daughters, post daughters she's a killer, post Alexandria she wants the killing to stop, now it's the Hitlers of the World or fight. The characters are experienced and have grown. But I do wonder where it will go after Negan? Will Rick spare Negan and we have political debates about the death penalty like in any mature society?


Holy shit, that's got to be the easiest answer in the history of internet questions. In the world of shows worth watching, Walking Dead is mediocre at best, while Game of Thrones is one of the best ever.


You're right, but what's sad is that it didn't need to be this way. If Darabont had remained showrunner--hell, I'd even take Mazzara now--I think TWD wouldn't have devolved into the soap-opera action-matinee tripe that's it's turned into.

I sort of trace the beginnings of the problem back to when Laurie Holden's Andrea was killed off on the show just because she was a remnant of the old Darabont gang and AMC didn't want her reporting back to him. Now we've got the Richonne romance, which feels about as organic to the story as a square peg in a round hole.

And it's only gotten worse--much worse--since then. I just have to mention "dumpster" and everyone knows what I'm talking about.
