Where is everyone?

I get its the offseason for the show but this place is completely dead. Where is everyone? Did nobody migrate here after imdb went down?


It is quieter without all the trolls. LOL.


You know as much as I hated the trolls I did enjoy the banter back and forth from the people who would constantly trash this show 24/7. Im not sure if I'd consider them trolls though but either way it was enjoyable having those arguments with them about the show.

Now this place is nice don't get me wrong. I do enjoy it. But it needs more traffic. There still aren't enough people here. Im not expecting IMDB levels of traffic or anything but I do wish there was more discussion going on. A lot of boards are absolutely dead. I really hope by October we got a good following here for when the new season starts. But I don't know. I feel like this site is leveling out and not really gaining any new people.


I agree about missing the banter. It appears to be busier on the weekends. It is growing steadily according to Alexa ratings, but perhaps a good press release and better Search Engine Optimization will help more. Maybe a super popular show like Game of Thrones will also bring in more people later this summer.

Fear the Walking Dead is more active than here so I guess that's where some are hanging out. I hate that show.


Yeah we'll see. I'll keep popping in to check how this place is doing. Hopefully it picks up as time goes on. I miss all the discussion about this show.


During the hiatus, there used to be more trolling than real discussion. I guess people didn't have anything real to say but wanted to hang out anyway.

I always went to IMDB after an episode of Walking Dead even though the site would crash and I couldn't comment. I was literally going through withdrawal symptoms when IMDB ditched their boards and before this one was set-up.

The more people posts on this site, the more likely it'll pop-up during movie and TV show searches which should increase this site's popularity.


Go to the Fear the Walking Dead board for now... it is slow, but hopefully traffic is growing and will be active during the season.


Most probably went here: http://www.walkingdeadforums.com/forum/


The old imdb crowd has spread out over a number of different sites. Eventually the smaller boards that are really dead will shut down and more and more users will migrate to a handful of sites, boosting their traffic and making it more likely that additional people will find their way there. It's just not happening quickly that's all. De-trolled sites aren't ever going to have as much traffic as imdb did in its heyday. Yeah, a handful of them were actually witty and interesting but let's face it: the majority were vermin, the sort of assholes who would gang up on a suicidal person online and try to convince them to kill themselves, we are so much better off without their vile crap (and most of it was). Don't let nostalgia for the old days fog your memory of what the trolls were like. Most fondly remembered moments were had in spite of their best efforts to screw things up.


I usually just visit boards after watching. And I just finished the second half of season 7 via marathon today, so I'm here now.
