TWD Board Awards!!!

Please submit your choices for the categories below (skipping categories is allowed). You may also add categories, if desired:

Best thread

Worst thread

Best and worst repeat threads (the above categories are for unique threads; this is for repeated threads such as, "Who cuts the grass on this show?")

Best catchphrase/repeated phrase ("Sick ponytail," "BOOM...lawyered," etc.)

Best sock

Worst sock

Best username

Best avatar

Best sig

Most creative poster

Nicest poster

Meanest poster

Funniest poster

Coolest poster (I know I should probably just accept my award in advance, but as the creator of this thread, I must remain unbiased)

Most intelligent poster

Wittiest poster

Perviest poster (in a good way)

Perviest poster (in a not-so-good way)

Most memorable board rivalry

Most memorable board scandal

Best board couple

Couple who didn't get together, but should (there's still time!)


Just a few...

Best username Lemme think about it.

Best avatar I'd refer to it as my favorite, but Lady Dalaryca's always made me smile

Best sig Mine. Obviously. Take heed, people.

Most creative poster Crystal. Also, I'd want her on my team on music trivia night.

Nicest poster It's gotta be a tie between Crystal, Penny, and a few others.

Meanest poster Any mean drunks who posted here. You know who you are. ξ€Ή

Funniest poster Nobody here is funny. Well, maybe Crystal on a good day. Edit: No, really... she is funny. On a good day. ξ€¦πŸ’•

Apparently, stupid people don't know they're stupid. 


Best avatar I'd refer to it as my favorite, but Lady Dalaryca's always made me smile

Finally, someone with some taste.

Long may this little brat reign.


Best thread - hungry's mass IP address dump thread

Worst thread - any of those ones where the OP stated they were cj's mother

Best and worst repeat threads (the above categories are for unique threads; this is for repeated threads such as, "Who cuts the grass on this show?") - best: "Where do they go to the bathroom?" worst: "Who got Lucilled?"

Best catchphrase/repeated phrase ("Sick ponytail," "BOOM...lawyered," etc.) - "kill yourself"

Best sock - ctittus 

Worst sock - Torch's madam sock 

Best username - AuntyBainbridge_TrouserTrout or one of Crystal's hilariously timed pervy ones. There was one in particular that made me crack up laughing but I can't remember it.

Best avatar - Bee's Snow White Buscemi one

Best sig - Look to the cookie!

Most creative poster - so many creative people! AM, Stygian, Bentley, Tony, Crystal, Orson with his many socks, TSP with her emoji art

Nicest poster - tie between Nica, Crystal, Raven, Bee

Meanest poster - VHS. I mean that as a compliment, I swear! ξ€œ

Funniest poster - for pure LOL value, Aunty, he's just hilarious. There's a ton of funny people here though (Putin, Bentley, Bee, Tony, Stygian)

Coolest poster - Corwin

Most intelligent poster - tie between AM & Stygian

Wittiest poster - this is hard. There's a lot of witty people here. Crystal, Stygian, Tony, Bee, and TSP are all very witty, but I gotta go with AM (in all his incarnations)

Perviest poster (in a good way) - Crystal

Perviest poster (in a not-so-good way) - Picard

Most memorable board rivalry - Ballz v. Gigi

Most memorable board scandal - Helen and mundt

Best board couple - Bentley and Bentley

Couple who didn't get together, but should - Bentley and Crystal




Best drug addict - Putin

Best drunk - Raven

Worst drunk - bongo

Most likable poster - Rob

Most arrogant poster - Shredder & Pete

Most humble poster - Corwin

Loveliest poster - Bee

Coolest mom - Cornell

Best shtposter - Aunty

Posters who are most alike and would probably would be horrified to be told they're alike - Shredder & Pete

Poster with best long posts - Putin with Stygian & Tony as a close second

Most improved poster - Twiz

Best board villain - JMH


stupidest drunkest whore - cornell.

and i'm a better drunk than raven. isn't she more into the hemp?


You don't mean it!

Cornell is cool, I've had my moments as well...


Cornell has always been very cool.

Spec was/is either jealous of all of the people who love her,
or he loved/loves her too, but knows that it is hopeless.

How else can you explain his obsession with her?


I multi task, and do both...


How dare you pair me with Pete for anything. If anything, you and I should be paired up.


Best thread: Mystery Caretaker

Worst thread: Any Christopher Walken thread Dean would post.

Best and worst repeat threads: Run them over by car.

Best catchphrase/repeated phrase: Cancel it.

"Al Sharpton is a first class niggger." This one was more of a one time comment by Ballzy, but it left such a lasting affect because after this racial slurs on here became socially acceptable.

Best sock: Super Shredder.

Worst sock: Super Shredder as well.

Best username: I think we can all agree Helenbackagain is the best.

Best avatar: Don't know.

Best sig: "It's not pronounced E-GRE-geous."

Most creative poster: Horatio

Nicest poster: Sly probably, even though she's turning into a raging liberal.

Meanest poster: Dean, he was really mean to me.

Funniest poster: Horatio or me, because I'm the only person who made me laugh more than Horatio.

Coolest poster: Mcorpsqman, hanging out at bars talking to girls.

Most intelligent poster: Me and Bally.

Wittiest poster: Dread

Perviest poster: Pete

Dumbest poster: Brandon

Most memorable board rivalry: Dean and I had a rivalry that went on for years, I'd add Spec in here as well but he'd disappear for a whIle then come back, Dean and I used to annoy the board with our arguing.

Most memorable board scandal: The Woods of Waste clown

Best board couple: Me

Most influential: Rob, there have been plenty of clowns on here over the years who would look to Rob to say something first before developing their "own" opinions.

Lol, sorry, had to take a jab at Bentley there at the end.

"Nobody is trying to take your guns." -Barack 'The Snake' Obama


Sly probably, even though she's turning into a raging liberal.



best love/hate relationship - me and yermom. aw, how sweet...


Lol, sorry, I don't know who you are.

"Nobody is trying to take your guns." -Barack 'The Snake' Obama


you really don't know?



"Nobody is trying to take your guns." -Barack 'The Snake' Obama


roll tide.


Nice, I haven't spoken with you in quite some least not that I remember.

"Nobody is trying to take your guns." -Barack 'The Snake' Obama


i went away for a long time. this place got too stupid even for me.

so, are you gonna post your segway videos for everyone?


Nah, probably not, too many whack jobs here.

"Nobody is trying to take your guns." -Barack 'The Snake' Obama


Most influential: Rob, there have been plenty of clowns on here over the years who would look to Rob to say something first before developing their "own" opinions.


how did i miss this.

yeah I'm good like that.

whats weird is how it got to that considering I'm the most spineless flip flopper on the board. ξ€Ύ


Are you going to go out with that generic avatar or rock the old goblin again?


Lol, you're clearly doing something right.

"Nobody is trying to take your guns." -Barack 'The Snake' Obama


Best thread: i don't remember in particular, but every thread exceeding 150 posts and 3 pages. Except of one vvv

Worst thread: zombiefan's silly games

Best and worst repeat threads: Aunty's

Best catchphrase/repeated phrase: bongo's flamethrower, princess etc.. he's the master of catchphrases and repetition. 

Best sock: TheAngryHousewife

Worst sock: Vealertin

Best username: CrystalRaindrops

Best avatar: the laughing squad of socks, lead by Stygian

Best sig: don't remember

Most creative poster: Stygian. i bashed it initially, but i come to like his prose and style. Klam. and yes, gotta hand it to Fish. he doesn't hold back and seems like a guy you could talk about anything which speaks of a creative mind, imo.

Nicest poster: Cornell, Crystal, lilgripes, Nica

Meanest poster: Vehes

Funniest poster: Bee, Rob

Coolest poster: Bee, Rob

Most intelligent poster: Bee, Corwin, Bentley, Klam. i can't leave out anyone here. and Sophie the Smartest, ofc.

Wittiest poster: Bee

Perviest poster (in a good way): Bentley

Perviest poster (in a not-so-good way): Shredder

Batsh-t craziest poster: Gigi, Picard

Most memorable board rivalry: Bongo-Vehes

Most memorable board scandal: everything related with Mange

Best board couple: Crystal and Bentley. i'm really shipping you guys, don't let me down.

Couple who didn't get together, but should (there's still time!): Crystal and Bentley. 

girls, guys, even tho i was never truly accepted on this board, according to Bentley i'm only a hybrid and GoT female poster trying to get her fair share of him, I don't care, i still enjoyed reading the vast majority of you since you've been probably the craziest, most hilarious group of people i've ever come across the internet and i mean it in a good way.. you and your silly dramas got me hooked after all, so thanks for that. i'll be in touch with some of you on FB etc, but for the rest, i wish you all the best! cheers!


Best reincarnation of Tooth-n-nail - Sophie



She's actually going to hold out to the end and never admit it, despite undeniable proof to the contrary.



hey, i wanna keep that title! it's the only one i got, well, apart from being perviest poster on the GoT board - which is actually one and the same, so..


lol unfortunately, it only really worked for hungry. but since i was my own competition, i really really deserve that title. thanks for acknowledging!


Very sweet of you, Sophie. For what it's worth, we are extending full membership of this board to you. Of course, we'll have to kick out someone to make space. I have my eye on Shredder, who has violated several by-laws (distributing homemade porn on a foreign board and so forth).


hm. is Tony still here?




I'm the most creative. No one does exactly what I do... for better or worse.

Most pretentious: tie between Bentley, Karl, and Putin

Best board couple: vehes' mouth and my ass

Coolest poster:
I want that on my wall one day.

Perviest poster (In a good way): me

Don't ever be more of an adult than you need to be. -Me





Don't ever be more of an adult than you need to be. -Me


I enjoyed your post.


I realize that may have come off as defensive, but I was just curious. πŸ˜ƒ

Don't ever be more of an adult than you need to be. -Me


Best thread : this one
Worst thread : all the poe threads
Best and worst repeat threads : why do they not go to an island ?

Best sock : i do not know what is a sock so i found this :
A disposable ejaculatory device used by lonely, socially inept young men who do not like to masturbate in the shower or ejaculate all over furniture.

then i say chrystal

worst sock : i guess summermise

Best username : aunti blabla

Nicest poster : summermise

too long, you should have gave pre-nominated people



this thread tho... f-cking BRAVO!!

board gold



bump for... certain posters.
