MovieChat Forums > Haven (2010) Discussion > Why did they ignore the best chance they...

Why did they ignore the best chance they had of ending the troubles?

So, Duke can cure troubles forever by killing people, and the ambulance lady could bring people back from death. Why not just methodically work their way through one trouble cure a day until all but hers and Duke's are gone?


Well, technically the writers could have easily ended the Troubles years ago if they had just got Amy to draw a picture of Haven with all the people living happily without Troubles or they could have got her to just draw a cure for the Troubles that would have fixed everyone in Haven. If Amy’s drawings are as powerful as they are made out to be it makes completely no sense why they never got her to help them more in it because she could have solved every one of their problems. Hell, they might as well just got her to draw a picture of Jack Bauer arriving in Haven to take on the Troubles and when he asked why Duke looked so much like Milo they could say he was his twin brother. 

There are a lot of TV shows and seasons of TV shows that could have ended earlier if the writers had chosen to go with an ‘easy way out’ so to speak and Alias would have been over earlier if Sydney had killed Sloane and Sark, Lost would have been over if they had never returned to the island, Buffy could have easily gotten rid of Glory without dying if she killed Ben in Season 5, Angel wouldn’t have turned back in to Angelus in Season 2 if Buffy had never slept with him, Lex Luther would have been a different person in Smallville if Lionel Luther had been a better Father to him or Clark shared his secret with him, a lot of the villains in Gotham wouldn’t exist if Batman killed them like the Crow, Sara Lance would still be alive in Arrow if Oliver had killed Malcolm, Andy would have stayed in Dawson’s Creek if Pacey never cheated on her with Joey (what a moron but he made up for it later with Olivia Dunham), Chuck and Sarah would have got together earlier in Chuck if he hadn’t dumped her in season one, Lucifer would have stayed in hell if Sam hadn’t been so trusting of Ruby in Supernatural and Felicity wouldn’t have to go back in time to save Noel if she had chosen him the first time.

The one that always annoys me is Forest Gump would have been over in less than half an hour if he had got up and walked a few miles down the bloody road.

(Formerly Known as FictitiousSmurf)


How does one draw a picture of Haven with no troubles? Troubles are internal and not always manifest. Virtually impossible to draw the troubles away


Vickie I meant. I am not sure where I got Amy from I just found out her name is Vickie. How do you people remember all the names of the characters? I mostly remember the main characters like Audrey, Nathan, Duke, Dwight, Vince, Dave and Gloria and I come on here and you guys are naming guest stars and episode names. Is there a song I am missing here? 

How does one draw a picture of Haven with no troubles?

Just draw a picture of everybody happy in the town with the words 'No More Troubles' above them and I am sure things will work themselves out and if not, draw a picture of a cure for the Troubles. There are too many things about the 'Vickie' character that don't add up and when they were trying to capture William they could have showed her a picture of him and got her to draw him tied up in a certain place and they could have gotten him easily. She could have even drew a picture of Audrey and Mara standing next to each other as two different people and they wouldn't have even needed to go to so much trouble to separate them.


Personally, I think having Duke kill and then the sisters bring people back would do more harm than good, as the Crocker's curse has HUGE negative side effects. One, they get addicted and two, they get super strength. That would almost insure that someone would have to end him once they fixed everyone else. He'd be so far gone and he'd have no one left to feed off of. Also, the sisters have to absorb all the injuries and pain of the others they bring back to life! Another one that would drive them to madness.

I do believe there are other ways to keep troubles at bay without harm though. Ginger, in fact, would be a better trouble whisperer than Audrey herself! She'd tell them to calm down and stop fast. How about the two troubled people whose dreams effected reality, Carrie Benson and the adopted Driscoll boy? If they could make negative things happen, they could surely make positive things happen as well. Come to think of it, their two troubles were almost too similar.

Anyhow, the writers had to come up with a good reason as to why, in 500 + years, no one was smart enough to think of this very solution. All the people with the most beneficial troubles are either killed or sent away, very conveniently.

By the way, I still predict that Duke will become an addicted curse killing machine in 5b and have to be saved from himself and the town from him. All the troubles his family felt the need to kill off for centuries are now back at once. Audrey needed Duke to kill the organ stealing man...well, he's baaaack! How about the plague of 1901? Oh yeah, Duke's about to become the monster he's tried to avoid for 3-4 seasons. Also, I predict Nathan and Audrey will be the ones trying to keep the guard from ending Duke, while they try to "fix" him.


And if Eve hadn't eaten that Apple, we'd all be frolicking naked in the garden of Eden.


Because if they hadn't there would have been no more Haven.

faith begins at the end of your comfort zone.
