MovieChat Forums > Haven (2010) Discussion > Continuity in Season One

Continuity in Season One

Just started binging this on Netflix and I am curious, are the continuity issues in season one ever addressed? It is minor things like the tattoo being designed rather recently by a local artist and Nathan saying things like "it is my first date since i, um-- since I stopped feeling anything" to Jess when supposedly lost tactile sensation around the age of six or seven. Just curious. I am season two now so no major spoilers, plz.


There are no continuity issues. Nathan is referring to the troubles having returned. They come in 27 year cycles. So yes this woukd be his first date since his trouble returned having not had it since he was a kid. As for the tattoo it remains part of the series.


You are correct as for Nathan's trouble. It was explained in the tenth episode of season two. The tattoo is still problematic though since a guy claimed to have have designed it in the episode The Old Ball and Chain but it is evidently much older. Then again, this is Haven so there is no reason someone can't be born in say, 1983 and die in 1683.


Someone asked Brian Millikin, one of the main and original writers (and story editor) about that very question. He said that it was supposed to be explained in a later episode, but unfortunately got left on the cutting room floor. The guy in the tattoo shop lied, we were told, but we never got to hear that or find out why he would have claimed to design it. So, yes, there are a couple continuity issues that are just left hanging. Nothing that really takes away from the overall story telling though.


The tattoo will play a major role what it means the history etc mythology of the series. Dont want to spoil anything for you this is the best show ever! so enjoy the show!


Yeah, I know the tattoo is a symbol the Guard (I think they are called) uses to mark the Troubled. Technically the simplest explanation would be that the tattoo artist was lying to cover up the existence of the Guard and it was coincidence that it seemed to tie in with the accelerated aging thing in that episode.


Sorry i just didnt want to jump ahead and spoil anything for you. Yes its the symbol for the guard and yes a coincidence tied into the ball and chain episode. The tattoo guy lied to nathan and Audrey. The reason why we weren't told but yeah he lied. So we just were left to assume it was to do with the secretive nature of the guard and the town itself.
