MovieChat Forums > Haven (2010) Discussion > Lexi better than Audrey

Lexi better than Audrey

They should have done this show with Lexi's personality as the real Audrey. So much more likable and entertaining. And just fall in love with Duke already- Nathan's boring



I completely disagree. Even though I am one of the few who enjoyed Lexi's personality and thought she was funny I liked Audrey a lot more and a relationship between Audrey and Duke just wasn't realistic.


Make Same Sex Marriages Legal In Australia 'cause we deserve to have the same rights as everybody else and shouldn't be controlled by backwards people with outdated views.


Audrey was so endearing and pretty much my total dream girl, but I never liked Nathan or Duke or Chris Brody for her. I was rooting for Tommy in season 3, but that never happened.

Now you're messin' with a...


I loved her relationship with Duke and found it a lot more realistic than with Puppy Dog Nathan.

He's annoying as Jack on LOST.


He's annoying as Jack on LOST
That's both funny and accurate, but Nathan was just a "Jack" who's a dullard and doesn't contribute very much. Duke was a more interesting guy (I'll grant you that), but he matched up real well with Jennifer for some reason. Audrey never had a guy with spark and real chemistry. She deserved that. Whatever chemistry that people saw between her and Nathan was pure fantasy. Tommy could have been so much more, but I was only able to root for that for about 10 minutes! Season 3 could have rocketed this show to greatness....instead they gave us......Season 4.

Now you're messin' with a...


I loved her relationship with Duke and found it a lot more realistic than with Puppy Dog Nathan.

I couldn't see Audrey and Duke as a couple 'cause my cousin is a Federal Police Officer and most police officers and FBI agents like Audrey Parker don't get into relationships with drug smugglers 'cause they can risk losing their jobs and end up going to prison themselves for protecting them. Duke was a drug smuggler and also did a lot of other illegal things and my cousin thought it was unrealistic Audrey didn't arrest Duke more often. Nathan and Audrey I could see together 'cause opposites attract and they remind me of my Sister's relationship with my Brother-In-Law and he is similar to Nathan and has Asperger's Syndrome and he would do anything for my sister and my nieces and nephew including dying for them.

I think Audrey would have been better suited with Dwight.


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